CryptoMay 6

Decentralized FS

Has anyone looked into these file storage systems and come to some sort of conclusion? For example, Arweave or NeoFS, why would I use them instead of S3 as a developer? The industry matters? Like those public governance apps where people care about immutability and transparency? Even those people, do they really care what the backend is built on? Let’s say I want to build a small wrapper around google drive, for storing documents in a specific way, and only those with the right identity can access it. What does blockchain and their FS provide me here over cloud? I’ve been reading this, since neo claims to be developer friendly and all in one, but it seems like they’re in their own world: #blockchain

Microsoft Copilot. May 6

All mainly boils down to support when shit hits the fan

Auth0 otksP OP May 6

Heard this from just a regular crypto investor guy this morning. Man was saying he hates that there is no central body who he can talk to when things go wrong, because there are too many scammers around. So he lost more than he made. Also that exchanges can shut down with his money lol. But I hear the same about banks. I guess the support here would be from the team managing the network?

Reddit loopwhile May 6

Its all abput privacy and availibility of your data. I have not looked into the products you mentioned above in particular but the overall gist of all decentralized storage is that.

Uber zHmh13 May 6

File systems are not object stores, both are very different conceptually. Looks like products like NeoFS (from first glance) have created something leveraging both those concepts, like using file system to store, but access like an object store. To your specific question on what does a decentralized implementation give you over cloud, probably cost, that's the only thing that comes to my mind. Cos in terms of reliability S3 and other object stores have at least 10 9s reliability, which is more than enough to most enterprises.

Ancestry KLTQ60 May 7

Yes, Ive been exploring the space and actively using Sia Network (siacoin is the token). It's an actually usable product and I've been storing files on the network. It's still not matured yet but I think it's very promising.

Cruise Gif-Is-Jif May 7

Is it cheaper than say Google drive, Dropbox etc al?

Ancestry KLTQ60 May 7

It claims to be cheaper, although I haven't done a strict comparison with the cost of what I'm storing in Sia vs gdrive.