Do polls matter?

It is not looking good for Biden currently I guess he still has time till November to get younger, restore his mental faculties, fix the border, get the record inflation under control and stop all the needless wars. “Looking back, 55% of all Americans now say they see Trump’s presidency as a success, while 44% see it as a failure. “ Compare that to “Assessing Biden’s time in office so far, 61% say his presidency thus far has been a failure, while 39% say it’s been a success. “ Yeesh. I mean even after constant barraging in media about January 6 and all his court cases people are still remembering him fondly. How bad of a job is Biden doing that Americans think a degenerate person like Trump did a better job. So do you think these polls are any predictors of possible outcomes.

CNN Poll: Trump maintains lead over Biden in 2024 matchup as views on their presidencies diverge | CNN Politics
CNN Poll: Trump maintains lead over Biden in 2024 matchup as views on their presidencies diverge | CNN Politics
64 Participants
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Uber . . Apr 28

Sad choices for this great nation

Meta NotBruno Apr 28

The electoral college makes these national polls irrelevant. It comes down to PA, MI, WI, NV, NM, a few other swing states. Trump can get massive wins on Texas, Biden on California, it doesn't change things.

Coupang hajjfksn Apr 29

Trump is ahead in all swing states.

Meta NotBruno Apr 29

1) That is not true 2) Even the states where it is, the difference is much closer, within margin of error

Amazon Jk57slj Apr 28

This country man the politics are disaster. Biden is a panderer like all democrats but he has been pandering to so many groups now that even democrats can’t agree who to pander to and when anymore. Trump, degenerate though he is, is at least a leader. Politics shifted to a panderer since trump was in power because people were offended and needed pandering to. Maybe people are sick of being pandered to now and want to be led this election cycle. Anything can happen.

Block eieiohhh Apr 28


CPOInCA Apr 28

Trump is a leader? Don't make us laugh. He's a simp for autocrats and nearly destroyed the country multiple times.

NUVIA Afjr18 Apr 28

I could still see Biden winning…though he and his administration are a disaster. These things tend to tighten up.

CPOInCA Apr 28

Trump's administration was a disaster. This one was better, but still not great.

NUVIA Afjr18 Apr 28

I feel vice versa

Meta meldleieñ Apr 28

There’s no way people still want biden. I understand some people don’t like Trump due to the media bias and political correctness, which both are dumb. But Biden? Or worse choice Kamala Harris? We need to do better.

CPOInCA Apr 28

He's the only choice we have. Trump is a pig who is going to impoverish everyone and RFK is crazier than a loon.

Apple yfuvhjj Apr 28

what a stupid statement. this cpo guy is the dumbest and in a nutshell why this country is declining.

Uber timurlone Apr 28

Too early to predict anything from polls, I’ll be serious from August-September timeframe.

Atlassian grumpy cat Apr 28

National polls are meaningless, need to look at state by state electoral map, which isn't looking even that good for Biden. But this is very early, and what it will come down to is turnout from each side in a handful of states... Which is damn hard to poll for

LiveRamp Cfmo17 Apr 29

They’re going to call it another Biden victory 2 to 3 weeks after election night.

Coupang hajjfksn Apr 29

Trump 2024 🇺🇸

Visa random988 Apr 29

Fuck outta here

gskE54 Apr 29

A blind poll for the election: Poll here: