Do you have a financial planner?

They reach out to me at least a couple of times a year and haven’t quite figured out what to tell them. #google #apple #netflix #meta #microsoft #amazon

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AMD Y78t3ji Apr 29

No because it’s not hard to do it yourself. Opens more doors for yourself to learn and grow. And most of the time these people say to to index funds anyways and then do bonds or CDs and give loans to us gov. You should be buy assets not giving loans to people as CDs. And then they want a fee to tell you what the internet will tell you

Apple rainbow 🌈 OP Apr 29

They did say something about life insurance funds that apparently grow tax free while offering fixed return. Doing all that they suggested will certainly make it more complicated.

AMD Y78t3ji Apr 29

No but I would assume they would because it’s their job to sell you things. I’ve never met with these types of people. I know how to invest and manage money

Microsoft Windoze Apr 29

When they reach out to me on LinkedIn, I just block them.

Apple rainbow 🌈 OP Apr 29


Microsoft Windoze Apr 29

Btw, you can get one for free through Fidelity and such, but I don’t know who their fiduciary duty is to, you or the company they’re from. Not inclined to waste my time to find out.

Cisco fjsksk34 Apr 29

Which company?