Basis Technologiesfatcun

Fullstack vs backend vs front end vs machine learning


41 Participants
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LinkedIn svvssu May 18

Backend learning

Basis Technologies fatcun OP May 18

Backend (Machine Learning)

LinkedIn svvssu May 19

No, I meant πŸ‘

Nutanix neksns May 18

Something which you are good at.

Shabbaio May 18

I think alot of back end is repetitive. Theres more overall complexities in front end while back end has fewer complexities but the complexities in BE are harder to account for. ML is all complexities.

ex-Meta 🫑verse May 18

Nurse Doctor Hotel maid Astronaut Very different people apply to each. Yes, the job of the nurse does have overlap with hotel maid and doctor but you know which of those you want to be when you go into your career

Basis Technologies fatcun OP May 19
