
Hasbara in Action

12 years ago, Israel released a video of its Hasbara trolls at work. Some of the pro-Israel posters you see online are literally these Israeli soldiers (many female and pretty) typing away feverishly at work while wearing an IDF uniform. Imagine being in the military risking your life as a keyboard warrior.

IDF Spokesperson: We Need Proactive “Hasbara”, not Reactive
IDF Spokesperson: We Need Proactive “Hasbara”, not Reactive
Snap zuckerbuns May 16

Israeli government spends millions per year on propaganda. They’ve spent a ton on social media ads and actively manipulate online forums.

Snap zuckerbuns May 16

Walt Disney fEdv76 May 16

I know quite a few of them on blind

Amazon tri8Ta May 16

like VoteDem probably

ex-Upwork canisexu? May 16

Hey VoteDem works hard at Hasbara, gotta get those shekels

Flagged by the community.
Amazon tri8Ta May 16

Apparently, it is not enough money to overwhelm the organic narrative on tiktok and had to resort to an act of congress. lol

Accenture fkelonmusk May 16

I think they hire many in India for pennys

Vertiv 🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️ May 17

Do you know what the two letters in AI stand for?

Accenture fkelonmusk May 17

Asian Indian?

Walt Disney fEdv76 May 16

Imagine the bootlickers who spew Hasbara and don’t even get paid lol

Amazon tri8Ta May 17

waiting for them to comment here