General Motorsgoodnite🌜

I probably have something wrong in my brain

Doctor wants me to get an MRI to see if there's a physiological issue. And sadly, I hope there's something wrong. Cos I'm tired of my life. Wife hates my guts and blames me for every single issue in our lives. I'm brave enough to fight whatever it is, but at least it'll break this shit situation. The only grief is, if something happens to me, I won't be able to be there for my kid. I know my wife will take care of the kid but I know how much my kid loves me and will miss me. I'm going to go have a drink. Good night everyone. Go hug your kids.

Amazon notjassi Apr 26

Don't worry, man, you know yourself better than your wife. Just ignore her, and cheers.

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26

I can't take it anymore. She doesn't wanna get help. Someone said our issues are because of both of us, and it pissed her off. She doesn't recognize she's suffering from some mental health issues. Refuses to see a doctor about it.

Bloomberg CHlp21 Apr 26

Cheers. Hope its something you can overcome. Hope life gets better!

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26

Thank you. I hope so too. I keep hearing this too shall pass but ffs it doesn't pass. Lol

overfit_ Apr 26

Trust yourself and stay strong.

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26


Amazon IVY55 Apr 26

You seem really down, don’t give up. It’s pretty clear you care a lot about your family but are not being treated well. You need to have a clear conversation with your wife and set some boundaries and an ultimatum to show you are serious that things need to change. Go for couples therapy at the minimum and stay firm on your boundaries. All the best, hope things work out!

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26

She's right for a lot of my flaws but man what a gut punch to realize after a decade that your wife thinks she's better of without you and that you are the source of all grief in life and you didn't bring her a single joy in last several years. Fookin hell

Amazon IVY55 Apr 26

She is probably delusional about the situation and has learnt she can disrespect you and you will take it. This can be the case regardless of gender, thats why boundaries for basic respect are important. Don’t believe what she is saying, you know what you’ve contributed. You seem very empathetic, but its important to care for yourself as well. Having been burned in some relationships you get that perspective when you stop looking at things with rose tinted glasses. Also I’m sorry to say this but if the attraction/respect/love is gone from her side it might be going somewhere else. I really hope that’s not the case but don’t rule it out, you’d be surprised how often this happens and this is usually the pattern. Just looking out for you.

MRM TWG_202023 Apr 26

You need to leave. It’s only going to get worse if you stay, and whatever spark was there is now gone. Focus on getting yourself right first. You’ll get through whatever is affecting you and come back a stronger person. Best of luck! TC: 105K

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26

She needs help too. I'm not walking out on my family. She's loved me once. That's enough for me to want to endure it all. But I wish every single day wasn't a struggle. It wasn't always this bad. It's been downhill for last 1-2 years.

Ford Motor Company nsneNici Apr 26

No worth it man

LinkedIn md3xwp Apr 26

Even if there is, it will be good to find out & treat it.

General Motors goodnite🌜 OP Apr 26

Yeah that's the hope. Plus if it's something severe, I'd wanna know so I can make plans for my kid.

ServiceNow XljY40 Apr 27

You need to give more info... Women usually are very adamant and stubborn... Thats a given... now what do you mean she hates your guts? Set your boundaries and live by them.. thats it.. if it does not work out, put an end to the marriage, support your children get that b*tch out your life.. thats it...