Should I shoot my shot with this girl?

I broke up with my gf a while back and I took “custody” of our pets. I noticed that after I had updated my contact info with our vet to remove my ex, she has become a lot friendlier and chatty with me. I’m a frequent flier at the vet because our pets have chronic health issues, so I see her at least 2-3 times per month. I did some googling on this girl and found her Pinterest, and I saw a collection of dudes that look kinda similar to me lol. Admittedly, most of them are a bit more attractive than me, but we share the basics (white guy, brown hair, short trim beard). Maybe I’m being delusional, but I kinda feel like I might be her type. Should I shoot my shot with her? If I do and she says no, I might have to switch vets lol

93 Participants
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Microsoft πx May 7

If you do it and she says no, you don't need to switch vet. What makes you think that refusing an invitation to go out has such a nuclear outcome? That's a very toxic point of view...

Expedia Group anonexpe OP May 7

Ok, yes you are right, technically But I’d be too embarrassed to show my face again haha

Credit Karma ird61064 May 7

Because straight people get weird about remaining friends after casual sex.

Comcast hyb9 May 7

Why not, go for it. It’s possible that she just felt bad for you since vets and animal lovers are in general compassionate people. Ask in a way that won’t make her feel awkward at her place of work!

Amazon Fojf76 May 7

Do you actually like her or only like that she likes you? I’m getting the latter from your post.

Expedia Group anonexpe OP May 7

I definitely think she’s a cutie ☺️

Amazon Fojf76 May 7

Then go for it quit overthinking. She may not even like you back but you’ll have your answer at the least.

Amazon inNU14 May 7

Go for it and report back here how it turned out.

PayPal f30hvU3 May 7

ask her to do it froggy style and see if she comes up with some strange veterinarian moves

Google pigeon man May 7


Expedia Group anonexpe OP May 7

Lmao that would be a great way to definitely not be welcome back there

iAfz60 May 7

Thinking about Headshot?

Booz Allen Hamilton BbRN20 May 7

Why are you sacrificing quality of care for your pets?

Meta H3ll0_u May 8

Hey this is the old grey lonely crusty beer belly future version of yourself; please dude, ask for her number. Take her back to your place eventually, use your pets as an excuse. I'm tired of reminiscing on all the missed connections. Major blue balls over here.

ByteDance toktiking May 8

You should go for it. But, ask in a way where you give her an option to gracefully decline so that neither of you feel awkward about it (and perhaps you can still continue visiting this vet instead of finding a new one). Rooting for you! 😊