
This is not fair for cruise In the meantime, the hit and run driver is probably fine without receiving any punishment because he's poor or he's never found

GM-owned Cruise reached a more than $8 million settlement with the pedestrian who was dragged by one of its robo taxis
GM-owned Cruise reached a more than $8 million settlement with the pedestrian who was dragged by one of its robo taxis
Microsoft Demirf11 May 15

This is why big corporation have attorneys on retainer. This won't be the last of these types of lawsuits. Obviously, the dash camera on the Cruise vehicle didn't provide enough evidence for Cruise to push this to trail. In the future hopefully the tech gets better, and video evidence identify scammers.

Aurora blindtax10 May 15

Need an under chassis camera will be cheaper than 8 million dollar

Credit Karma ird61064 May 15

Not fair? They agreed to the settlement. Being drug by a car as a pedestrian is what is not fair.

Google BcstBoiSBc OP May 15

Did the driver in blame get fined too

Credit Karma ird61064 May 15

Maybe, but that’s independent of what Cruise agrees to for its own actions.