RelationshipsOct 27, 2018

Marrying a girl who isn't as smart as you

Say I'm a genius. (Yeah right. Arrogant fool with delusions of grandeur, who can't even spell properly.) I realized that I would never find a girl who is intellectually my equal and understand me fully. (Misogynist pig.) My current girlfriend is a very loving, caring, and family oriented girl. She does not play games unlike most of the immature women I've dated. However, in terms of smartness, she is a normal person, and will never be able to related to me intellectually, or fully understand me. Should I marry her? I wonder how things will be down the road. My alternative is to find a girl who is relatively smart, although relatively smart girls tend to be arrogant, overconfident, and full of themselves till at least their mid 30s when they begin to become a bit more mature. Such a girl may be able to understand me a little better, although still not completely. (If you've been in my shoes, of almost always being the smartest person in a room, please help me out. If you've not been in my shoes, could I ask you to please keep away from snarky responses?)

Amazon Wasdqwerty Oct 27, 2018

Marry the person who u love and you can understand each other..!!

Altera Felxn Oct 27, 2018

Marriage is not about being with the 2nd smartest person on the planet. Ideally you would want to be with someone who loves you and will be with you in good / bad times. If her dumbness quotient pisses you off then you shouldn’t be with her in the first place. But judging someone purely by brain power or tc for marriage - may be it’s just wrong

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Microsoft nowon Oct 27, 2018

Why is someone like you always looking for an opportunity to blame Indians for every single fucking problem in the world?

Microsoft hokuspokus Oct 27, 2018

Since you are so smart, you will understand game theory. Will this nice, sweet, loving, caring girl marry a sel professed misogynist like you? In my experience, people value their own qualities over the ones they do not have. For example, you seem to value intelligence over kindness. She will probably value kindness over genius level IQ.

BuzzFeed 0xdead Oct 27, 2018

I think you dramatically misinterpreted the original post.

Microsoft hokuspokus Oct 27, 2018

And you are dramatically misinterpreting my sarcasm. Jokes apart, I was trying to convey that maybe OP is not right for this loving caring person. She deserves better.

Microsoft Duxe82 Oct 27, 2018

Wow, you meditate too much, seriously?

Boeing :& Oct 27, 2018

There's more than one axis of "intelligence," like social intelligence. Based on this post, I'd bet dollars to donuts she's got more of that than you.

Microsoft DOyu71 Oct 27, 2018

A slug would have more than op

msft_girl Oct 27, 2018

Why don't you hang out with smarter people than you do now, so that you're not the smartest person in the room always? Then some of these people could be women. Your problem is not that these women do not exist, somehow they're not within your reach. You should change the distribution of people you're spending time with.

Throned Oct 27, 2018

OP, I am told that I am the smartest person in the room usually whenever I have been to. But that has nothing to do with relationships. My girlfriend is the best. She is mature, we share other interests and are generally very comfortable with each other. Cant replace the peace I get when I am with her for anything in the world. If you want to flex your brain, do it at work.

Google Immature OP Oct 27, 2018

Thank you.

Nvidia JtPG37 Oct 27, 2018

Exactly. For me there is nothing more important than kindness and compassion - no amount of intelligence can substitute for it.

eBay Jbcb Oct 27, 2018

I’ve met smart and insecure girls, they’re physically unattractive which torments them in a society where women are judged nearly solely on their looks.

Bloomberg iVX372 Oct 27, 2018

Not all of them are physically unattractive. I dated a female SWE who was very smart, very attractive and very insecure. She was dating multiple guys because there is a shortage of women fitting her description, and she is perpetually in high demand.

Google loveyoumom Oct 27, 2018

Is she hot? 1-10?

Expedia Ytdj51 Oct 27, 2018

Hotness can fade real quick