2024 GoalsDec 28, 2023

Advice to move to US or Canada

I have a startup in India. Revenue is about 1M USD after GST. Salaries: 100k a year. Costs: <100k a year I end up making a little more than 700k a year in savings. Income tax comes after. Main question: Should I move to USA or Canada? Can I afford to stay there with a wife and child with these earnings? I ask because, here, I have creature comforts. I can think of purchasing a bungalow. I am known in the local population as a smart businessman, so I get invited to talk at events. I have folks employed for every small need, like drivers, cooks, etc... Would that be possible in the US? I would be in a new land having to manage everything myself again. I have heard the quality of life there is better. I have a kid too, and I want him to have a good education. India has good opportunities, but I don't think it compares to the US. I have parents and family here, but I don't mind visiting them twice a year through flights. TLDR: I earn about 700k in India and am wondering if I can live an equivalent/better life in the US/Canada. #migration #startup #challenges

MiaMalkova Dec 28, 2023

The US if you want to make money and have the mindset of getting ahead in life, Canada if you want to live in a place which mediocre healthcare and education system ( but free ) and very little chance to grow as a person, extremely expensive real state and awful weather. I you want to chill and don't want to hustle go to Canada for real.

Microsoft shabb Dec 28, 2023

Miamalkova speaks

MiaMalkova Dec 28, 2023


Avis Budget Group DecayBoas Dec 28, 2023

Kaise jayega bhai? Visa hai ?

da_only_on OP Dec 28, 2023

I think I can get the entrepreneurial visa in the US (I already have it for Canada). US business requires 1M savings, and some funding from a US company (that's possible).

ARM armfront Dec 28, 2023

Also many people in US might have a income similar to 700k while you would be really creme de creme in India with that money. You will not be able to afford the same materialistic pleasure in USA with that money. So if that is what you are after India definitely makes the cut. Also , Higher education is better in USA with more carrier opportunities but early stages education might have compromise and tradeoffs. At 700k USD , with a family you will live a above middle class life , good house , good car and good experiences. In India with that money , you can attain far more luxurious exhibits like a bungalow, workers for your every need , great car. In US : you get better roads , more opportunities to travel , a better cuisine for food , just overall more 1 world life. Think : king in a poor land or above middle class in a rich land.

da_only_on OP Dec 28, 2023

Thanks, this helps.

VMware eGfO80 Dec 28, 2023

If you are okay with spending a large part of that 700k towards your comfort, then US is the place for you. You can live at a relatively lower cost area like a king and can afford to have serving staff as well. A high cost of living area too is easily affordable but serving staff might be hard to come by. Why not take a 2-3 month long vacation and find out??

PayPal poingfb Dec 28, 2023

You will be richer in India and live an actual king’s life. You can’t afford housemaid even with 700k lol and education for kids and healthcare would be very expensive. (If you pick the highest quality education then). And nobody will give 2 cent about you! A lot of people making 1 Million will walk past by without anyone noticing! Even though you will have a better public infrastructure, your ego will take a hit! Because now nobody cares about you.

Meta iseg1251 Dec 28, 2023

Stay in India. Provide employment to the locals. As such you will live like a King

X bdjekabsma Dec 28, 2023

What is your motivation to move to the US? You’ll likely spend most of the 700k to live a above middle class lifestyle if you pick Bay Area or NYC. Why? You can always send the kids to university here. Always have vacations abroad with family with that TC. Why do you want to make your day to day life hard?

Meta pSBm26 Dec 28, 2023

I agree with Armfront pov. Just make sure you try to get as much as possible clean air, nature, hobbies, travel the world for experience while staying in India… Btw what kind of business is this? This is super awesome that you are able to earn 700k being in India

Rivian qVzd41 Dec 28, 2023

Not sure if you trolling OP, but if you really make 700k in India stay there and enjoy lyf

PubNub ELAU43 Dec 28, 2023

Idk if your trolling but let’s assume you want a better QOL I would move to Europe in your shoes. What benefit do you get from the US or Canada ?

MiaMalkova Dec 28, 2023

Europe better quality of life, amazing food, access to the whole continent, and US better money, Canda neither of those.

PubNub ELAU43 Dec 28, 2023

Yep exactly…Canada is the worst deal for OP.