Misc.Aug 9, 2023

Earth as a prison

There was some theory about Earth being a prison. The selfish, benefit seeking all the time spirits are the criminals and they were sent to Earth, so that they are separated from the spiritual beings who have good intentions towards each other. And there is a novel that says, that's why about 2000 years ago, 4 figures came to Earth about the same time, and they are A, B, C, D: Allah, Buddha, Christ, and Dao (Tao) Laozi. They basically asked people to have a good heart towards each other and don't always think solely about their own benefits. If some people on Earth can change, they will want to accept them back to where the other spiritual beings are. And today, I saw that in Eagle's Desperado lyrics: And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin' Your prison is walking through this world all alone

61 Participants
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Microsoft Return to Aug 9, 2023

Apple's hiring standards are this low?

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

as low as Microsoft's Zune player

Microsoft pGQs62 Aug 9, 2023

Oh you invented the iPod OP? Or are we just naming tech that beat the other company? In which case - Windows would like to have a word.

Walmart misterwood Aug 9, 2023

Nah. We’re just a simulation bro

Blue Cross Blue Shield divby00 Aug 9, 2023

We are just NPC’s in Elons simulation. Read Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

NPC? Nintendo? Oh... nonplayer character. Aren't we the players? If we are the nonplayers, then who are the players? And if we are the players, then who are the nonplayers? The observers of the simulation?

Walmart misterwood Aug 9, 2023

lol @ calling it Elons

Google botspot Aug 9, 2023

Crazy people everywhere

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

it is good to observe a Blue Cross Blue Shield person having a higher caliber than a Google person

Blue Cross Blue Shield divby00 Aug 9, 2023


Cadence xavier_23 Aug 9, 2023

Allah asked people to have a good heart? Hmm, that is interesting!

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

I mean, there are millions of Muslims in Indonesia who are kind people than any coworkers I had in a company. I do not know too much but I felt Allah is like the Aries of God, who has a little bit of strong opinion and fight mentality. Even inside our bodies, there are T cells too, or else we won't be able to survive

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Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

you sound like either a physics person or a computer science person

Amazon spacenudl Aug 9, 2023

Prison earth theory makes sense. Yet to come across a selfless heart in person and the reflection in the mirror is far from it. Alphabet were fallible mere mortals who got lionized over time, some definitely raised the bar but the rest corrupted humanity even more. That said, there are plenty of selfless enough people on the earth. We wouldn’t be breathing without them 🕊️

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

and it doesn't have to be bipolar: either extremely selfish and the other, selfless. Even if it is 75% selfish and 25% selfless, it is not so bad. But in this current era, sometimes you show the 25% selfless side of you and some people take it as your Achilles's heel and see how to manipulate you using that spot

Amazon spacenudl Aug 9, 2023

Lol I think on the spectrum anything less than 51% selflessness will eventually bring everyone’s percentages down. Like you said, manipulation/negative treatment erodes trust in the selfless belief system, and if it’s too much falling back on being assholes becomes the norm. A significant number of population don’t doubt about being manipulative/a jerk, and believe they’ll get away with wrongdoings just fine with no repercussions.

Capital One bnmV21 Aug 9, 2023

It’s amazing how people string things together into some meta narrative.

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

I am StringGPT 3.0

Salesforce bfnjj Aug 9, 2023

Have you read Allah’s message?

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

I haven't read it... I only know from reading that novel... why?

Salesforce bfnjj Aug 9, 2023

Accept Allah before it’s too late. Hell fire awaits you. Repaint your sin and accept Allah. Only way out

Course Hero furryrat Aug 9, 2023

What about the God(s) of another culture who represent large population on earth? BTW, some do believe that Shiva was an alien and he is kind or has power to destroy. But you didn’t think of mentioning them?

Apple a_dent OP Aug 9, 2023

well, that novel happened to have only mentioned A, B, C, D. And I think, A, B, C, D just happened to be some spiritual beings that interacted with the author. He said he wanted to find the truth, and found a way to communicate with the spiritual beings and they transmitted his brain wave energy to their realm, and he talked to A, B, C, D over there. But there can be so many more other spiritual beings there, not just A, B, C, D

Affirm xzHn6au Aug 9, 2023

Shiva is my manager