AMAJun 11, 2020
GoogleFIRE man

15 years experience at Google, Amazon, Microsoft as PM, TPM, SWE. On my way to FIRE. AMA

A few words about me: - Worked at Google, Amazon and Microsoft as Product Manager, Technical Program Manager and Software Engineer for ~15 years - MBA from M7 program - Blogging about tech careers, personal finance and my path to FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) at Ask me about: - Differences between the big tech companies - Differences between PM, TPM and SWE and how to transition from one to the other - Interview preparation advice - MBA (profile evaluations, suggestions for programs, application preparation, what I’ve learned, etc) - FIRE and personal finance - Blogging and my blog - Anything else that interests you :) If you want to connect with me, my social media handles are: - Twitter: @EngSeekingFIRE - Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest: @EngineerSeekingFIRE UPDATE: This AMA is now closed. However, if more new questions (ie different than what was asked before) are posted, I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner. I wanted to thank everybody, who participated in this discussion. Hopefully you found my answers helpful.

Engineer Seeking FIRE
Engineer Seeking FIRE
Engineer Seeking FIRE