LayoffsJan 28

Before gloating or making light of news about layoffs…

Please appreciate that both current and former employees after a layoff are hurting, are anxious, scared, angry and every emotion in between. Those “lucky” enough to remain are facing enormous workloads under the constant gun of being next to let go. And of course, above all else, is the strain facing colleagues and friends who’ve been unceremoniously kicked to the curb, often with the minimum of minimum severance in a very challenging job market. These are real humans with real emotions, families and lives thrown into turmoil every time you hear about layoffs. The last thing you would ever want to hear people crowing about if it happened to you. #layoff #empathy

Google givnulget Jan 28

Empathy and blind? Like they say sir this is a Wendy's

ex-Walmart 🔸 India Jan 28

fewer mentally healthy engineers means less competition for me. The weak shall perish

NCR Corporation jsRn43 Jan 29

mentally healthy engineers aren't your competition walmart, mentally ill ones are.

Google poorL3 Jan 28

Meh. most of these people had the luck of riding the bull run during the past decade. If they don’t have a rainy day fund, that’s on them. Only people I feel sorry for are new grads or people with less than 2 YoE.

Block osizi Jan 28

Those are last ones I feel sorry for, many impacted have families. Young new grads have much less responsibilities and just starting out.

ex-Amazon ex-banana Jan 28

How did you pass the googleness bar?

dydhfjfjd Jan 28

WTF are the cause of these emotions? It literally says as at will employment, meaning it is paid out day to day.

Google hWmv36 Jan 28

It is sad.. I am seeing lot FIRE posts, its good that some people can retire but it shows how much people are scared and affected by these layoffs are. I see so many of my teammates worried. Truly sad times

Google hWmv36 Jan 28

Thanks corrected

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Cisco XfYX62 Jan 29

Do you think it is possible that there is not much overlap between the two groups?

Tesla trvhi Jan 28

Just get rid of the H1B's first please

eKJl55 Jan 29

What companies read: let's leave the usa altogether then

Intel iwnx Jan 29

They can probably save a lot of money by moving to other countries. Companies are already doing that. It makes no sense to pay engineers in the USA $400k to work on the same thing that costs half as much in Asia or Europe.

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Jan 29

Ya I wish I was let go last time. Had to work under stress and didn’t get 8 months of severance.

General Motors RmcP49 Jan 29

Wow saesforce gave 8 months severance ?!? That’s generous af. Most places had maybe 4 weeks

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Jan 29

Plus 6 months of benefits. It’s tenured based after 4 months but most ppl on my team have been here 2-3 years so it’s easily 7-8 months after including being on payroll on notice period for two months.

Stripe go/nads Jan 29

Brex cancelled my final round interview 2 years ago for no reason. I am still bitter about that

PayPal Xfjr02 Jan 29

Very appropriate comment.

Google mckhater Jan 29

Only an asshole would gloat. I went through dot com 1.0 layoffs and don't envy anyone who was laid off. It's a hostile atmosphere and I wish everyone the best.