SQL interview at Intuit (Mailchimp)

Mailchimp aybsc Feb 28


Workday hBNc01 OP Feb 28

Sorry I didn’t realize my question wasn’t posted. I have a 60 min sql coding round scheduled for a staff analyst position in Atlanta location. Any inputs on what kind of questions are asked would be very helpful? Appreciate the help

Bloomberg noble1 Feb 28

Sql question I was asked on a job interviews were: describe all joins. What's a cross join? What's a temp table? Diff between global vs local temp table. Then some query questions.


Not intuit but for amazon DE my query questions were: one with window function (dense rank over partition by ... order by ...) and a simple join q (find all id where no record within 6 months in this other table). both stuff u can find on lc

Mailchimp Omndjdhth Mar 8

Don't join.. Save yourself. Place is an absolute dump.

Mailchimp tYRY66 Mar 13

Don’t join, mailchimp is a sinking boat