Salary review comping up

I am working as software engineer with 2 years of experience at mid sized company. Location: Santa Barbara (California) Started with 82k and got $8k hike after my 1st year. Current salary : $90k Bonus :~$4k Stock options: $30k Vested over 4 years but I have to buy stock at a price when I started my job and can sell my vested stocks at current stock price. Salary review coming up and my quartetly perfomance is good till now and my manager added additional responsibilities based on my performance. Am I underpaid? If yes any suggestions on how to negotiate during appraisal review? Thanks in advance. #engineering #software #swe #salarynegotiation #salary #california #tech

Amazon zerotc Dec 1, 2020

are YOU happy with what you make? if not, then go out and interview for a higher paying job. you can't negotiate a higher salary without leverage.

Impact zFHO31 OP Dec 1, 2020

Thanks πŸ‘

🍿wow Dec 1, 2020

I was in a similar position and in retrospect I wish I would of started interviewing. Interviewing will let you know the current market rate and some companies will match offers in a bid to keep you. My company didn’t pay for performance, they paid the min possible amount to keep an employee. Employees who started there had very little experience interviewing and were afraid of leaving, so the company paid them well below market rate.

Google gdjxjhdh Dec 1, 2020

Even levels.FYI can give current market rate. The problem is preparing for interview and cracking two of them.