Tech IndustryFeb 1, 2021

What is the loop for a tech lead like at DraftKings?

Is it leetcode all the way? Easy medium or hard? Any pointers would be appreciated. TC : 250k

DraftKings vKGx50 Feb 15, 2021

Coding interviews are very easy, don't overthink them and you'll be fine. Harder interviews are the two design interviews. For these two mostly I'd recommend relying on past experience, common sense and feedback from the interviewer as you go. Additionally you'll probably do two interviews that are more focused on past experiences, don't lie on your resume and you'll be fine.

YRRy45 Feb 16, 2021

Are these system design or OOD?

DraftKings vKGx50 Feb 16, 2021

For a tech lead you likely will do both an ood and system design.