When does the DEI initiative end? (Serious Question)

Since the DEI topic has become normal, and a hot button for everyone, when do we identify success and no longer need it? DEI is a good idea and had some positive impact throughout its course. But I assume we are working towards a day where it is not needed right? So how do we measure that event, and when do we begin to see the change? Seriously, I don’t know how to solve this question and I hope others have considered the same challenge, and share their insight here.

AMD AVX-512 Apr 1

they are here to co-opt money and power, seed themselves further and stay. There is no end-game for DEI.

Salesforce g3yevg vds Apr 1

Who is they? What's the end goal? Who's getting money from this? Please be specific and provide evidence

Meta dogenzi Apr 1

DEI bureaucrats who want tech company HR to be like college with diversity department to bloat cost . They also make money on lectures and consulting

Databricks $BIGD Apr 1

It will end when people are hired based on ability instead of politics.

Google uKuG25 Apr 1

DEI literally is hiring based on politics

Databricks $BIGD Apr 1

Yes, DEI will be defeated by a greater cause: being hired based on merit.

Amazon theekhai Apr 1

No end in sight, the groups that benefit from DEI have no hope of competing against Asians for jobs or uni placement by merit for the foreseeable future Whether you believe that’s their fault or they are systemically oppressed depends on your politics

Kroger puro956alv Apr 1

Yes of course because indians are totally not known for discriminating against non indians, especially in tech.

Amazon theekhai Apr 1

Forget tech hiring, look at SAT scores

Vanguard ehxiab42 Apr 1

When the populations of various peoples are much closer in the industry as they are in the country that company is based in (my guess). Like women in tech is only about 30% of roles iirc. But more like 50% of the population... So we've got a bit to go there.

Two Sigma qYaN02 Apr 1

When people have some new perceived injustice to cry behind.

Zendesk 2387$&apw Apr 1

That is not a (serious) question, but let’s play along. When will legacy admissions end at all universities in the world? When will bias in mortgage lending end? When will redlining end? When will nepotism end? When will homelessness end? When will terrorism end? When will sexual harassment in the workplace end? When will bullying end? When will mass shootings at schools end?

Amazon theekhai Apr 1

Whataboutism DEI fixes none of these

Zendesk 2387$&apw Apr 1

Again, it's not a serious question. It's merely juvenile sarcastic fear mongering from the good ol boy network which constantly tries to minimize, diminish, and invalidate. It's grounded in insecurity and zero sum gameism....::::clutching pearls:::::Something's being take away from me and supposedly given to someone who obviously didn't earn it (in the face of volumes of evidence that proves otherwise) LOL. This is how many #@$%$# people in tech think. A serious question is how can we all help improve the environment and conditions by which these programs were needed in the first place? But oh....that's too serious of a question for this thread.

Analog Devices fiiddk Apr 1

It's not gonna end. Here's why I think that: People who fall under the DEI category will always be there and will probably only increase with time. If you take away DEI it will be looked at as something taken away from these folks. I'm not sure if you are aware of this: In India we have categories for most government jobs / colleges. People who fall in these categories SC/ST etc ( there are a LOT of categories), they usually have a much lower cut off to get into government jobs and colleges. They will always exist. If we take away this quota there will be riots. These quotas do rightly help people in need but a lot of people take advantage of this too. Similarly, DEI hires will continue to exist. Or atleast I think they will.

Bloomberg lewd_coat Apr 1

It won’t disappear for sure, but after Supreme Court ‘s ruling on affirmative action - it should be greatly reduced Affirmative action is now considered unlawful & discriminatory - companies implementing DEI can get sued

General Dynamics oCgt84 Apr 1

Affirmative action is entirely different than DEI...... tf?

Bloomberg lewd_coat Apr 1

You’re right @GD, hiring based on non merit based characteristics is completely different from admitting students based on non merit based characteristics

Google OrangeGod Apr 1

The amount of attention that DEI gets these days is totally out of place wrt to its influence. The word is being used as the new dog whistle to tag someone who doesn't fit the bill demographically.

Google long_duck Apr 1

The best solution to this problem is to end the DEI programs which are extremist and discriminatory and have no place in a professional workplace. There is a side effect where minorities are judged unfairly because the perception they will benefit from these programs.

Zendesk 2387$&apw Apr 1

Here's another solution: Let's end racism.💡