Misc.May 1, 2019

Do you own a domain?

I do, for my personal digitalocean server, hosting a fucking static page (but storing a bunch of pirated pdfs and movies).

88 Participants
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Wells Fargo startup! May 1, 2019

Do you have the url for your static page?

Oscar 🐨koala OP May 1, 2019

Nice try!

Dropbox rawhide May 1, 2019

Kids these days don’t even know how DNS works, yet alone how to register a domain.

Oscar 🐨koala OP May 1, 2019

This is why we get ads from Squarspace.

HappySoul. May 1, 2019

FWIW, most people don't know that shit even now. I bet like only 30% understand how the DNS resolution happens

Uber 2muchblind May 1, 2019

I like your style

Oscar 🐨koala OP May 1, 2019

I rap.

Microsoft wuq123 May 1, 2019

Are you asking me if I have $10 to spare per year? Yes I do.

Hipmunk opTL48 May 1, 2019

I rent domains. You don't own them unless you're ICANN.

Oscar 🐨koala OP May 1, 2019

We got a badass here!

Chase McJU43 May 1, 2019

Yes, DNS hosted on Route 53, single static page hosted in S3, and CloudFront for distribution. All for 12¢ or so a month (Route 53 is 50¢/mo). Oh, and I have custom name servers, so if you ever run a Whois lookup on my domain, you’d see nsx.domain.com.

Oscar 🐨koala OP May 1, 2019


Workday SDHc77 May 1, 2019

Github pages + static site generator like Jerkyll or hugo + Domain name = Scalable TLS website for completely free.

pBRM03 May 2, 2019

why do u need a domain name for storage? I think only server and ip are required.