Varen TechnologiesQBeJ57

How likely am I to get a swe e5 offer at meta?

I just passed the meta phone screen and am incredibly excited but also already burned out from all the leetcode these past two months. I got to the point from scratch to where I can solve 50-60% of leetcode mediums in less than 20 minutes and I bought grokking the system design interview and am planning how long to study. At this pace, if I studied more leetcode and started studying system design for the next 30 days, how likely am I to get an offer now that I can't be down leveled to E4 with their hiring freeze? Statistically or your best guess, what do you think? Stuff I have going for me: I have 9yoe in backend software engineering, a solutions architect associate cert and developer cert from aws, some infra and automation side experience, and a bachelor's degree in computer science from a decently respected school. I'm somewhat respected among my non faang colleagues if that means anything to you. I'm curious what people's first impressions are who've been in this world longer than me. Thanks if you decided to vote.

38 Participants
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Microsoft SeekRemote May 2, 2022

50% Should be there

Varen Technologies QBeJ57 OP May 2, 2022

Lol alright I'll try to add it

Google Mr. Ander☀️ May 2, 2022

Definitely 100% if you pass the on-site rounds.

Varen Technologies QBeJ57 OP May 2, 2022

I guess I'm asking if 1 month of studying those things would be a good choice for cramming considering where I'm at.

Google Mr. Ander☀️ May 2, 2022

Sure. LC and System Design pretty much all that matters. Good experience got you in the pipeline. It may help during behavioral. But you getting the offer is almost completely depending on your tech round performance. Statistics and probability aside (since no one can give you those metrics), you just gotta hope that they ask questions from FB tagged (and you have practice them or something similar before).

Apple okolokhfd May 2, 2022


Bloomberg sleepy_guy May 2, 2022

Nobody can tell other than you. On top of that there is a luck factor as well. You may get a pretty easy question or a very very difficult one. It depends

Meta Yubi Yubi May 2, 2022

You won't be down leveled to E4 with 9 yoe, you'll either be hired, upleveled or rejected.

Meta reelsislit May 2, 2022

I'm tell you what I did OP. I got an E5 offer and we're decently similar. I studied heavily on grokking the system design interview and one of the other system design resources while occasionally looking at solutions for a few LC problems with new ideas but not programming them. Then near the end I crammed LC back into my head by reading solutions and wikipedia and learning data structures that were more fringe

Meta reelsislit May 2, 2022

I mean I did this after I did LC and passed the first coding round

Varen Technologies QBeJ57 OP May 2, 2022

Thanks for the excellent reply.

JPMorgan Chase Unchivlrus May 2, 2022

I thought there was a hiring freeze? Or is that just for e4?

Meta reelsislit May 2, 2022

E3 and E4 freeze. More for DS

KnDJ06 May 2, 2022


Varen Technologies QBeJ57 OP May 2, 2022

For those who say 5% I'd be interested in why

Microsoft SeekRemote May 2, 2022

Probably troll. Forget it

heisenb3rg May 5, 2022

hiring freeze. rip