Tech IndustryJun 13, 2020

Hypocrisy in showing solidarity with BlackLivesMatter

After seeing lots of FB posts, whatsapp status and speaking up in team meetings by my fellow indians, looks like the selective outrage is making this whole discussion on systemic racism an act of hypocrisy. I totally support the brave people from all backgrounds who are on the streets (only the ones who are doing it peacefully. Bhagat singh rightly said “Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas" ) to show solidarity & support for their fellow brothers & sisters from black community. But the same fellow countrymen were quiet when muslims were being lynched by mob, Dalits (In india they are termed as untouchables from centuries) being murdered because they went to the temple during marriage procession, tribals ( who are fighting for their land & forest) hounded by establishment with almost 40 millions have been displaced with little or no compensation for so called nation building by bunch of capitalists, students who are protesting against racist & fascist citizenship amendment bill and putting a 4 month pregnant student in jail because she raised her voice against the regime ( ironically, 2 years back a terror accused got bail on medical grounds #shame) But most of them are not at fault because from decades they are being fed this by so called bollywood icons who promote the use of cosmetics for fair color and now same hypocritical lunatics are posting about black lives matter 🤦🏽‍♂️ Even in one of the teams meeting, skip manager was talking about a good pakistani restaurant and one indian guy responded that he’ll not go there because pakistan (whole indian media is busy discussing about it from last 6 years without asking an iota of question to government of how badly they handled this covid-19 and migrant crisis) Time to see ourselves in the mirror and introspect as to what’s the point of studying so much without rational and objective thought process. Note: I’ve never faced any kind of racism because i was born with a bag full of privileges and that’s why it took almost 20+ years to realize that society is filled with lot of such shitty rules, bias and hatred. #BlackLivesMatter #DalitLivesMatter #MinoritiesLivesMatter #StudentsLivesMatter #TribalsLivesMatter #politics

Netflix KyaBakwas Jun 13, 2020

Hypocrites, many of these so called well educated Indians living in the US still practice and believe in caste system. When they fake empathy for BLM, ask them how many African or Latino friends they have or their kids have. It is well known fact in the valley that these upper caste Indians support people of their own caste, just see the number of brahmins in senior positions. This has been going on for a while. BJP and their divisive politics has managed to rope in many other Hindus into this using the nationalist bandwagon. These new recruits do not realize that they are just needed to spread hate, but will always be treated as second class Hindus.

Geico nyEX34 Jun 13, 2020

Do you know Ankit Sharma, Ajay Pandita, Sonu Gupta? How's it racist if I don't want to go to a Pakistani restaurant?

Microsoft zDjO58 OP Jun 13, 2020

Definition of racism: Treating people selectively based on color, origin, religion, etc. I think “origin” is sufficient enough to make it racism approach. You only know 3 names that you just mentioned because only these lives matter for our establishment and others are not of much help to move forward their divisive agenda. I didn’t take any name because outrage was not selective. Tell me one minority person’s name killed during Delhi riots that was on news bulletins.

Atlassian pimple Jun 13, 2020

@Geico - totally agree with you. No point arguing with pseudo liberals. These nuts are not in touch with reality

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Jun 13, 2020

At least you have realized it now. There are tons of people who are still blindly follow everything. Most of the "famous" people speaking out now are just trying to do whatever they can to stay in the spotlight. Even if it means to use this trend. We are just seeing a trend that's being amplified by the internet. There are a ton of people pressuring & shaming people into supporting such movements. Many of these people can be seen being very publicly vocal about it but seldom practice what they preach. All we can do is to put your feelings & politics aside & vote for the most qualified candidates that you know are genuinely trying to bring about a change for the better. Be a good human & treat everyone well. That's all that matters.

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Jun 13, 2020

A few weeks back, a ton of people on Blind were constantly making jokes about the Chinese eating bats. But suddenly everyone have mended their ways & become righteous people who are all for justice & want to end racism. Did anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

Microsoft zDjO58 OP Jun 13, 2020

People from northeast India are facing such slur from decades. These Chinese jokes are not new. Hypocrites!

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Jun 13, 2020

Exactly my point. It's very easy to jump on a new trend but it takes more effort to stop being a horrible person.

Atlassian pimple Jun 13, 2020

Lol. Its a known fact that most Muslims in India are anti natinalists. Zero sympathy for them.

Microsoft zDjO58 OP Jun 13, 2020

Keep this precious bigotry and teach your children too 🤔🙂

Atlassian pimple Jun 13, 2020

Ok osama bhai

Google anony176 Jun 13, 2020

Man I want to know what brown people you're seeing because a lot of the ones I know don't even pretend to care about black people or the injustice of what is happening. No empathy til it happens to their own community.

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Jun 13, 2020

Isn't this the path everyone follows? Asians in general are too timid & afraid of losing their jobs to revolt against anything in the US.

Google anony176 Jun 13, 2020

That's true. Though when the immigration EO was signed in 2017, a lot of Americans went out to the airports to protest even though it didnt impact them. But I guess if we cannot stand up for ourselves, it's expected we won't stand up for others. Hopefully this changes generationally

Google meme1 Jun 13, 2020

I actually see many racist Indians, they don't care about BLM, they were saying racist things about China and bats few months back. Only scenario where they are against discrimination is GC per country limit.

Roche dgy12f Jun 13, 2020

Lol..racists are in every race, region , religion. Why are you painting all Indians as racists ( even though you use "some", your intent is to say almost all). EpsteinZ Jun 14, 2020

It's not racist not to go to a pakistani restaurant... it's called freedom of association. His money == his restaurant choices. I'm Jewish and I don't buy German cars. Nobody is entitled to your money. Get over yourself OP.

LinkedIn CyLI17 Jun 14, 2020

The same fellow countrymen were quiet when Hindus were lynched in riots started by a muslim leader in Delhi, when Hindu saints were lynched by a mob in presence of police and recently head of village (who is Hindu) was murdered in Muslim majority village. But how would you know because you were born with a bag full of privileges and only care about your internet presence. Your post is another example of how supporting Hinduism is not politically correct because Hindus are in majority in India. #HinduLivesMatterToo