Tech IndustryJul 16, 2020

yelp referral

Anyone mind helping a recent COVID layoff? I’m looking for referral to yelp for a role. Happy to send over my resume / details too. relevant yoe: 4-5

Yelp TRUMPLYFE Jul 16, 2020

theres a hiring freeze. not sure why’d you want to come here either. Lol

Yelp OIfC20 Jul 16, 2020

I thought they said they're continuing to hire for engineering positions? At least I thought I heard that in the latest EPS

leftbrick OP Jul 16, 2020

Oh it’s for a niche role and in Canada where I am so I figured why not, lol

Huawei ic3rean Jul 16, 2020

Don’t join Yelp. They just laid off like 30% of their workforce and they were struggling before covid. It’s a sinking ship. If you need a job cuz you are unemployed then I get it but I’d still keep looking after joining yelp.

Yelp zyzzthetic Jul 16, 2020

I’d argue the opposite. Yes, a lot of people left from the layoffs and we lost some talent due to churn. But... to me this signals an opportunity to catch a business while it’s value is irrationally low and with employees churning, lots of opportunity for career growth. Yelp is a great stepping stone to get into the upper echelon of tech companies.

Yelp 20142020 Jul 17, 2020

^ this. Business is still strong!

Yelp wuMl68 Jul 16, 2020

Yelp is actually bringing back 1000+ furloughed employees.

EY qjtx32 Jul 30, 2020

Hey! Can I DM for a referral at Yelp? Thanks! Currently working at EY, with 1YOE!

Cognizant real_ted Aug 24, 2022

Hey, can you please DM me, exhausted my monthly limit, thank you !!