Is 700k possible at the high end of L7 PMT? Role will be in AI infra, needing significant domain knowledge working with Annapurna. L6 in Google, TC 550k I checked a few recent threads but the TC send to be 550-650k

Apple DeYvZ38 May 2

Amazon sucks. Your dollar/hr pay would be much less if you go from G to Amazon.

Meta w@tlife👽 May 2

What’s your L6 Google break down ? Is $550 with stock appreciation. Yes I know a L7 PMT at Amazon close to 700k but it was a year or so ago, not sure how things are now.

Cisco jeff jose May 2

Why the heck are people working their asses off in writing code when non coding related roles are paying so much. I don't see these kind of roles in law firms. It is straight up made up of lawyers and are paid accordingly. No fluff in the company except for smaller teams to manage other stuff

Apple patd! May 8

A service business has different needs than a product business. SWE is closer to construction rather than law.

Meta Phat_Gpt May 8

How is SWE closer to construction than law ?

Amazon PIPet May 3

700 is easy for ES role in SF

Google Gourd OP May 3

How about Annapurna in Seattle? Doesn't look like it'll be worth it.

Amazon bxcty23 May 8

Annapurna is also an ES role. It's easy. L7 PMT stretches to 800K or maybe a little more at the higher end.

Meta MetaE8 May 5

Don't take it. Hourly rate is way lower vs Google

Amazon hghfrbc May 8

Try McDonald’s?

Meta kpalgeou3h May 8

In terms of total comp Meta > Google > Amazon. So if your goal is comp don't move to amazon

Google CorpEvil May 8

I did 630K in a low cost of living city. It took VP exception as a L7 PMT. 700 is probably pushing it unless you are in a premium city and located where the team is. But I say try! That’s how I maximized my offer.

Submittable 8ld90s May 8

With or without stock appreciation? And what year?

Microsoft ajajajlll May 8

As possible as 700k TC for Microsoft L65

Google quiturjob May 8

You could get close, but that’d be top of band

Amazon neross94 May 8