As a Muslim, will you vote for Biden ?

Tough times

71 Participants
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Snap mustnt May 22

For those Muslims voting for me. Thank you. Please don't forget to pack your bags as I will enforce the Muslim ban immediately after getting elected. - DJT

Google OrangeGod May 22

One can expect a bit of third-party/protest vote coming from Dearborn, Michigan. Obviously, the same bunch is going to do pearl clutching when the Orange inevitably reinstates demagogic policies. I am done with the lefty idiots who say that climate change is our biggest issue and that two state solution is only way forward but are still voting third-party or not voting and staying home.

Splunk 🥬 👑 🥦123 May 22

Biden has betrayed all brown people for all of eternity. Trump is more racist than Robert E Lee, probably. But at least he doesn’t virtue signal about it.

Google MHxz10 May 22

Yeah so this means your life will definitely be better under trump. Engineers on this platform lol

Splunk 🥬 👑 🥦123 May 23

I agree. It’s not a case to support Trump. But Biden is disgusting

Stripe dssa-s May 22

I was raised Muslim (but not really practicing anymore). I honestly will sit this one out. Biden has lost my support with his actions with respect to gaza. However, the republican side is objectively worse. Even though Trump has been relatively ambiguous about his stance, the rest of the party is nuts and is the most vocal about going to war and even sanctioning the ICC. There are no good choices.

PagerDuty inacircus May 22

There's always third party; Jill Stein, Cornel West none of whom are pro-genocide

Splunk 🥬 👑 🥦123 May 23

Jill Stein even got arrested for protesting against genocide 🙏

PagerDuty inacircus May 23

She's a real mensch

eBay akpman3 May 23

2016 : Bernies cut their nose out of spite to Hillary. 2024 : Independents and Muslims are repeating the same out of spite for Biden's age, Middle East War. Trump with so much legal baggage is on track to win 2024; scuttle his own cases; appoint 2 more Supreme Court justices. Sickening..

Indeed 🤤🍑🍑😋. May 26

2016: Hilary lost because she was a genuinely bad candidate. People literally thought trump was stupid but voted for him because it’s still better than Hillary. 2024: Joe Biden is incompetent, and has dementia, yet is selfish enough to run again and the democrat party doesn’t have the balls to tell grandpa Joe to back out. I am Muslim, and I am independent and I do not owe the Democratic Party anything. Run a candidate who earns my vote. You and your liberal kinds will not shame me into voting for genocide Joe.