RelationshipsAug 6, 2021

How to make a date official

I m kind of an introverted guy I have been on several dates(6 precisely) with this one girl. Everytime we go out, we have a great time. Restaurants, bars, comedy show, walks and so on. I don’t know how to proceed and make the date official; like address her like my girlfriend and us as a couple. I am a noob in this area and need some suggestions. TC 175k

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Amazon dhondu1 OP Aug 6, 2021

As in?

The Trade Desk Gagoid Aug 7, 2021

Lol. Total BS. If you want to be exclusive then broach the subject.

MBNF83 Aug 6, 2021

“Hey X, I’ve been meaning to chat with you about this. I really had fun with you doing A B and C and think that you’re an awesome person and I’d like to be around you more. What do you think about going exclusive?”

Amazon dhondu1 OP Aug 6, 2021

Thanks! This is good

Google ADFQ Aug 7, 2021

When I was younger/less experienced I wrote stuff like this before. It didn't really work well even though it sounds fine in theory. I think it doesn't really seem good when the guy says this. Ideally you need to get the woman to say it. Your job is to show her a good time, build up intimacy until she's ready to ask. The previous poster from Twilio is pretty spot on.

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Niaz38 Aug 6, 2021

No joke, this is actually the most realistic answer based on personal experience

Oracle uluv 🍌🍌🍌 Aug 7, 2021

Yeah if you ask after sleeping with her more likely to not get rejected lol

IBM At Google. Aug 6, 2021

You both should have each other's parents meet and get to know each other. Discuss family background, logistics, etc over tea. My brother recently got engaged to an MBBS graduate and he was quick to do this. Both set of parents should approve.

Apple bug2bug Aug 6, 2021


Microsoft DigBick_ Aug 7, 2021

Do the deed first, then I’ll respond to her post on Blind about next steps for y’all.