
Asking a girl to get fit

I started talking to a girl because my family liked her from some matrimony app. She is kind, smart and everything my family would look in for their daughter in law. But she is kind of chubby and has a double chin. Chubby girls has never been my type and I’m unsure how to convey this to her. We’re in touch from last 3 weeks and I want to let her know this situation very politely. How do I do this? I’m afraid she might take it offensively. #marriage #relationships #dating

Meesho boter18 May 15

"Hey, let's go on a gym date"

Uber mRae86 OP May 16

We don’t live in a same city. I want to meet her but want to make sure she takes all of this in very positive way. We’ve been just talking on video calls.

PayPal gjnYClñ May 16

“Hey let’s go on a diet together” And then you don’t do it. You don’t live in the same city right?

Meta messymessi May 16

Physical attraction is important. Dont settle.

NVIDIA lspxywndg May 16

Nah, it won't matter after a while.

Meta messymessi May 16

Too bad you have a dead bedroom

Instacart YdOP30 May 16

She’ll get fit then be out of your league

Adobe kramr May 16


Apple HaddHaiBC May 18

This. If she’s kind and nice and generally healthy with a symmetrical facial structure, get married and THEN encourage her to work on her body.

Amazon AI Ashley May 16

Why are you wasting her time? Let her be single. Go find the woman who meets your requirements.

Intuit VXAt88 May 16

For some reason women r extreeeeeeeemly sensitive abt their weight. U just cannot talk to them on that topic

Microsoft draaagon May 16

You are not physically attracted to her?

Uber mRae86 OP May 16

I like her. She is cute, caring and everything I ever wanted

Microsoft draaagon May 16

Then you have your whole life to talk about your interests. Get comfortable with the relationship first. Losing weight or getting in shape shouldn't be that hard.

Cisco divadiablo May 16

How attractive are you?

Uber mRae86 OP May 16

I’m regular to gym. Slim physique but very average gym bro.

Cisco divadiablo May 16

If you don't find her attractive then why marry?

Amazon G@bru May 16

Don't marry. High change that she will never get slim and you will obviously never like her physically. Just let go

Apple grammar👮🏿‍♂️ May 19

Yep this

Block fheiucudh May 16

Don’t change people. It’s an exercise in futility. Find someone else

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Uber mRae86 OP May 16

I also like her. Just want to let her know I also want to see her focus on her health as well somewhat seriously. Obviously I don’t want to transform her for the miss world. Difference