WFH & RTOMay 21, 2020

Bay Area Home Owners

There is a chance the bay area real estate going to crash hard as tech companies are allowing their employees to be working from anywhere. Sell your house or hold?

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Credit Karma Duro May 21, 2020

Only in the outlying areas, as with every real estate cycle in California.

Facebook dumbfound Jun 1, 2020

This time it’s different.

PayPal “”””””””” May 21, 2020

Let’s come back after 10 years and see where are the prices. Definitely will be Atleast $1 more than today’s price

coord May 21, 2020

One dollar?

PayPal “”””””””” May 21, 2020

I meant Atleast homeowners won’t lose money. There will be some profit selling 10 years from now, may be a $1 may be $1000s

EasyPost jMaY06 May 21, 2020

It’s not crashing anytime soon now that most people are wfh now.

coord May 21, 2020

There's no chance for "crash". Maybe a small correction but that's also less likely. It's more probable that prices rise. Have you seen stock market and interest rates recently?!

Synopsys bokko May 21, 2020

Who cares about stock and interest if I can move to Sacramento and use my stock and interest there and buy 🏰 three times cheaper

coord May 21, 2020

Sac is so boring, I have lived there, will not go back. The only comparables to bay area are LA and SD, almost equally expensive in good neighborhoods

Google boingb01ng May 21, 2020

I think all these posts are confusing residential real estate with commercial real estate

Amazon CuDNN May 21, 2020

In Bay Area market, less bidding war == lower price. Price can fluctuate a lot in the same week.

Synopsys bokko May 21, 2020

Good buy Bay Area, I will buy French chateau for the price of 2 bedroom sfh here

Roblox Krister May 21, 2020

Seeing as the prices went up about 25% a year a few years in a row, we should be able to drop more than 25% before home owners should be able to complain.

PayPal “”””””””” May 21, 2020

With mortgage forbearance for almost a year in talks by Powell, and the high incomes of home owner couples in the Bay Area, I really doubt prices will drop 25% or more. Most home sellers will easily push out selling and keep inventory low like right now for a year if needed but would never sell for below their desired figure.

Apple Albertson’ May 27, 2020

Jumbo excluded. Powell don’t care about jumbo. The banks want to take your 20% down

Splunk rottendesi May 21, 2020

Hope the market crashes, will buy.

Apple Stocks📉 May 24, 2020

Typical Desi🤦🏽‍♂️

Splunk rottendesi May 24, 2020

Rotten too 😝.

NVIDIA uil May 22, 2020

Got approved to work remotely from Houston with no hit in TC. Gonna save some me some rent money.