
Have you tried the TripleByte interview?

A couple of times I interviewed with them, they asked some 20 to 22 year old kids in Australia, holding a few pieces of paper with perfect solutions, and when you write perfect code, grilled you the perfect code they refined over the years can be 35 lines, and why yours is 45 lines. Or that your code is all perfect, but it is not the most optimal that they refined over the years, and why can't you give the optimal one in 15 minutes. And worse, one time the recruiter there asked me if I can work with a messy code base, because he said currently their code base is "all a mess". Yeah, asking other people to be perfect while yourself is all a mess. That's a nice attitude. #swe #interview #triplebyte

Google waymoretc Feb 15, 2021

Triplebyte helped me get a job a while back, but I see no reason to work for them.