StartupsMay 24, 2023
Capital OneH8 My Job

Just got an offer -- Should I take it?

Just got an offer from a startup based in Charleston, SC. Fully remote. Details: 95k Base 10k target bonus 2k shares of Stock (No idea what it is in a dollar amount. If someone knows how to find out, please tell me) Company has raised $48.7m according to crunchbase and is series A. They are pretty early in their company lifecycle and their founders are very knowledgable and have been successful in the past, selling their last business to comcast with partnerships with major sports organizations. They're looking for me to join their backend team and build out their backend system for new products and new features. Their interview process was 2 google calls, one with the team I'd be working with and another with the CTO, at the end of which I was told I would be getting an offer. This seemed kind of quick and the fact I have until Friday afternoon to decide is making me a bit nervous to try and accept. This is a bonifide startup position and I wouldn't have time to be over-employed. My current TC is 118k and is returning to office by end of year. If I keep my current position, I will be forced to sell my home and move which would cost more than I've been able to save in the last year, putting me in a bit of debt. I have other interviews lined up for companies that pay more than my current TC, but I'm not sure how confident I can be as I've received many rejections. Should I take it or keep looking? I've had a bit of interview success, getting a total of ~5 interviews in the last month and the companies I'm going to further rounds with are companies with 4-6 rounds, which has me nervous.

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Capital One H8 My Job OP May 24, 2023

Software Engineer is the title. Basically would be L2.

Capital One H8 My Job OP May 24, 2023


Stripe 💎🅱️🆎🍿😎💩2 May 24, 2023

I would never go for lower pay. Keep interviewing and dont decide until you have competing offers from other companies.

Capital One H8 My Job OP May 24, 2023

Ironically one of the places I'm also interviewing at is Stripe, but I've heard nothing from the recruiter for a few days after our preliminary discussions. I had a referral there too, so it's a bit odd.

Stripe 💎🅱️🆎🍿😎💩2 May 24, 2023

Unfortunately a referral doesnt guarantee more than an initial conversation if at all. The nicer HMs might have the recruiter do a prescreen or conduct the prescreens themselves, but there's no promise that the candidate advances beyond that.

Infosys Infobroke May 24, 2023

Any time a company puts a timeline on offer acceptance, you take it. You can always back out later if you get something better, but you can never undo the rejection if you pass on it. What happens if you pass, don’t get any other offers and end up having to sell your house? If you’re worried about burning bridges: if the recent economic situation shows us anything, it’s that these companies won’t hesitate to cut us off if it benefits them and won’t give us the courtesy of any kind of notice. So why not treat them the same way? The only person who will look out for you is you.

Square squarelol May 24, 2023

Absolutely agree with infosys here. If you have no options, you take the offer and you back out or leave when you have another. You're not going to be "blacklisted" the majority of the time and honestly that doesn't even matter. There's a limited number of years we work and hundreds of companies. The offer is poor honestly and if i had options i'd never take it. But it sounds like you have none currently which means as long as they don't need you to start immediately you may as well take it

Capital One H8 My Job OP May 24, 2023

They need me to start on the 12th, so Id be starting after my 2 week notice ends. Not enough time to get through the other interviews I have lined up. I have until EOY to find another company.

ANWHOP May 24, 2023

Remote working worth 25% TC in my opinion. So go for it.

Capital One H8 My Job OP May 24, 2023

Honestly I am actively interviewing with positions that have 1.5x the comp of this position and are fully remote though. If I take this, I lose those chances but I am guaranteed to have something