
Career advice from a failure.

1. Do not choose salary increase/brand over growth. I was on the way to Senior Staff in Qualcomm, but left for Microsoft slightly higher salary but at a lower position of Engineer 2(62). The team I joined was dead and full of old timers with no growth opportunities. Wasted a decade there. 2. Do not waste your time. I’m in my 40s now. Time really is precious, especially the young years when fewer things demand your time. Either grow in your career or study. Put in the effort to better yourself. 3. If you want kids, have them early so that you are more free in your peak performing years. If you decide to have kids late then use early years wisely in studying, enjoying life and growth. 4. Invest time in health and relationships - especially 2 or 3 good friends. 5. Choose your partner very carefully, sex gets humdrum even with the hottest partner. What you will have for a lifetime is a human being. If your partner is a poor personality, you will suffer long - long terrible life. 6. Buy at least one home early on and invest regularly in Index funds. This has been my one saving grace that is keeping my sanity alive. US laws are pro home ownership. Good tax benefits and by the way the population and economy is going, renters will be at a disadvantage. I failed in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 but had decent success in 6. I am now trying to rebuild myself, but it is very difficult with a toddler and difficult spouse. TC: 325,000 YOE: 20 NW: 1M

Microsoft ✳️🐲✳️ May 25

I’m in the similar situation and similar age

Edwards Lifesciences yWMK63 May 25

While it may look like things are rough for you now, you seem to have a lot of wisdom. That toddler of yours will likely be very lucky to have you and be successful with your guidance.

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

Thank you.

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

He such a joy to be with. Takes a huge chunk of my time daily, but totally worth it.

Google henzo May 25

Doing #6 is key. Buy anything, small starter, condo, whatever. Once you have a wife, kids, need to worry about schools, etc., it gets a lot harder to find something to buy.

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

US laws are pro home ownership. Good tax benefits and by the way the population and economy is going, renters will be at a disadvantage.

Included Health UhJl31 May 25

House hacking was the best financial decision I've ever made. I bought a duplex when real estate was still inexpensive, lived in one unit and rented out the other.

Intel AditiLion May 25

How do you like your role in Apple? Do you think it is an old company like Microsoft.

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

I like it. The managers are tough but the discipline has been good for me. It is invigorating to work with high performers. The manager is brutally honest about my flaws but encouraging when she sees improvements. I will stay here for a few years to better myself then see if I can move for promotion.

Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज May 25

#1 but what if currently you are in a service based company and want to move to a product based company - that's money + learning growth right?

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

Focus on growth. If growth comes with money - awesome.

Dataiku NSXv57 May 25

Why do u think number 5 is crucial. Are you fine with a sexless marriage and a partner with better personality?

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

100% yes. I can’t have sex with someone who insults me daily. Sex is only enjoyable when I can mentally engage and respect my partner.

Qualcomm ee310s May 25

You'd talking the other way, if you were in a sexless .marriage, bit otherwise had a pleasant partner.

Meta prepview May 25

Wise! Wish someone shared or provided such information when I was younger.

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

Me too, but I was too arrogant to listen to advice.

Meta prepview May 25

One thing to point out, you probably still better off than 99% of the world population. So probably not term yourself as a failure!

Microsoft loveeey May 25

One of the most quality post in blind. Thanks for sharing

Renesas Electronics PIct70 May 25

Ok I did these mistakes already. Can we talk about how you are rebuilding?

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

Accept that I have been wrong. Let go of ego and start learning from team and managers even if they are younger than me. Find a good source for inner growth - Socrates, Plato, Zino, Gita, or whatever appeals to you. There is no shortcut- build strong foundation. Example: For me: 1. Time distribution daily to catch up on emails, slack and bugs 2. Study C++ and algorithms practice daily on Leetcode 3. Study Python, Data Science and math behind AI 4. Get up early at 6. 5. Reduce masturbation. 6. Don’t buy into stupid ideas like a. all people are evil b. Everyone is out to get me c. Only assholes succeed 7. There is a lot of good in the world

ghkqo May 25

I'll add a few more as I am on similar journey 1) Be courageous, personally and professionally 2) Don't take things personally. 3) Go back to basics. Curiosity and selective blindness towards "what will others think" helped me be successful so far. "I know everything" and "my failure will make me look bad in front of my peers/partner" are the some of the reasons of not taking risks and consequent, career slowdown 4) it is okay to be unreasonable with unreasonable people. 5) Play for long term. Have mindset of a tortoise not of a hare. 6) you won't get everything. You need to prioritize. I am with you on health and relationship 7) Have trust in karma. Hard work with courage and right intention never go waste.

Salesforce AWPer May 25

Appreciate your advice. What do you recommend about buying homes to someone who plans to FIRE and live in Europe? Do you still suggest to buy a home or just keep renting?

Apple apple-noob OP May 25

Yes, strictly from investment point of view, real estate is favoured by the government. If you are disciplined, invest regularly in index, otherwise buying your primary residence kind of forces you to build your savings and profits from selling are not taxed up to $500k