China is taking over the world what can we do?

China has the BRI, GSI, GDI, and the GCI. They are also pumping propaganda to change public opinion about democracy and communism and according to pew results, the propaganda is working. They’re also pumping hundreds of millions into UN projects. The US is making dope memes about the political party they don’t like…. What the hell can a civilian do besides watch the world burn? Edit: for real this is an honest question. TC: 150k #politics #uspolitics

Apple HaddHaiBC May 3

Someone is also feeding the woke mind virus. Who do you think that is? china or Soros? Or may be both coz you know - “enemy of my enemy..” ?

Dell okAk55 OP May 3

Doesn’t woke just mean aware of important facts and issues. It’s really not meant to be used in a derogatory fashion. But ya I agree billionaires and foreign governments are fucking up our democracy and we’re losing our voice.

Apple HaddHaiBC May 3

Woke is SUPPOSED to mean that. But it doesn’t.

uOiG01 May 4

Relax bro, you have been eating Western propaganda for a lifetime already