Tech IndustryDec 24, 2019


anyone in the banking industry know if its worth learning Cobol? I heard its still used by banks and that wont likely change. recommendations?

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Microsoft iamletired Dec 24, 2019

Why would you mention that it was designed by a woman in the context of explaining how easy it is?

Airbnb peodoo Dec 24, 2019


Citadel BrutеForce Dec 24, 2019

Also some scientists still use Fortran. Try looking in into that.

Cisco sirblargal Dec 24, 2019

Practically the entire chemical simulation field depends on Fortran. It's miserable. Glad I left it behind

TripAdvisor MrArgh1 Dec 24, 2019

Plus the intel FORTRAN compiler is the dogs danglies performance wise

Oracle pzd Dec 24, 2019

Better learn K, q and kdb to make the big bucks

Citadel BrutеForce Dec 24, 2019

C++ would be a safer bet q and kdb is so specific, while still a lot of good money making things are done with cpp

Oracle pzd Dec 24, 2019

I believe OPs post was about nieche application specific technology. C++ is not nieche, and C++ devs for hire aren't too difficult to find.

UST Global Lokidev Dec 24, 2019

Not worth learning if you're already at Uber. COBOL is not that complicated. Worked for it for a good number of years.

static int Dec 24, 2019

Youre right, it's the backbone for banks, insurance companies, etc. Having worked with cobol programmers on the past, their age was exclusively >55 and were at such a diff phase in their lives (grandkids). But they were essential to the company, and worked easy easy hours. Therefore my anecdotal advice points me to believe that cobol is the path to slow retirement. Take that for what you will, but if you're at uber I dont see why you'd ever need to pursue it

State Farm 99la99 Jan 27

Insurance industry is still hiring COBOL experience;