Data consultant

Anyone transitioned from full time career in data to independent data consulting ? Can you share process to find your first client? I have exhausted my network but no luck with data consulting projects. Meanwhile I see many data consultants in market so clearly there is demand but wondering how everyone is signing projects? #data #dataanalytics #datascience #consulting

anon00002 May 2

I have successfully gone there and back. It’s all about marketing. Why does someone hire a consultant? They want authority. You need to market yourself as an expert. Here’s what I did: - Started publishing articles on my own website and later third party sites - some traction here - Started speaking at lots of local events - this is where I picked up my first customers - Eventually started speaking at national and international conferences - way more customers - Wrote a book with a minor publisher - bad move - Co-wrote another book with a major publisher - inundated with customers That’s it. Make a name for yourself. Your network isn’t going to cut it for consulting.