
Data vs Applied vs Research Scientist @Amazon

What's the difference between these three roles?

Amazon c125 Sep 14, 2017

I am also struggling to find the answer

Amazon asshole Sep 14, 2017

You have arranged them in increasing order of scientific depth.

Amazon fCHL50 Sep 23, 2018

Not true, applied scientist requires as much scientific depth as research scientist at Amazon and is paid significantly higher

Amazon RonHubbard Sep 23, 2018

Science = ML/research + engineering

Amazon flyingdog Sep 14, 2017

How about the compensation?

Amazon happyhour Sep 14, 2017

To be a research scientist/applied scientist you need a phd (exceptions exist though).Data scientists are folks with just an undergrad/grad degree usually .Research and applied scientists also get paid way more .A lot of data scientists work in the same teams as research and applied scientists

Meta Miyagi Bro Aug 24, 2022

Waking this thread up! I’m interviewing for an L6 DS role now. Loop next week. I expressed interest in AS. Recruiter response was I can get you an interview for L4. I’ll definitely take that interview, sounds more rewarding long run

ICpm53 Dec 7, 2022

How did you do in AS interview?

Amazon N!ghtCr@wl Sep 14, 2017

I think Applied is paid the most..heard that they have to pass a research scientist +SDE bar!!!

Chegg hyy865 Sep 14, 2017

Is that true? Can anyone verify, latter part especially

Amazon AjU5 Sep 14, 2017

Yes, that's true.

Amazon AjU5 Sep 14, 2017

Data Scientist - good with databases/sql, good at writing scripts to clean data, good at statistics Research Scientist - often PhD in Machine Learning, Statistics, or equivalent. Applied Scientist - has many attributes as Research Scientist, but also an expert in actually implementing solutions at scale and has many attributes of Software Development Engineer.

Amazon kakashi Sep 14, 2017

I have heard same

Amazon oYTJ72 Sep 14, 2017

There is no data scientist job family at amazon.

Amazon 126 Sep 16, 2017

I know several...

Amazon Goals! Sep 15, 2017

Also business job titles are not job codes or job families. There are Data Scientists labeled roles that are RS or AS. The ones to avoid out for are the finance/business analyst/BI roles that are labeled Data Scientist. Ask what the job code is.

Amazon happyhour Sep 15, 2017

This is true however there are a lot of data scientist roles under the BIE/DE family which are proper DS roles .Its best to get an idea from he job description,hiring manager etc

Chegg hyy865 Sep 16, 2017

What is the job code for RS?

Amazon PKtR72 Dec 4, 2017

I'm research scientist. It's true applied scientist is the slightly higher role and requires passing a coding bar. It's also true some people have the data scientist title, but it's not a real job family. They are likely business intelligence engineers or research scientists. So ranking salary bands (from what I understand) is BIE, RS, AS, but I don't think they're substantially different.

kai59 Jun 29, 2018

Hi! I have my on-site interviews coming up for an applied scientist position at Amazon and I was wondering if someone could please shed some light on the process. Specifically if you could help me out with how many rounds/focus of each round information so that I can better prepare for the interview then I would really appreciate it as I haven't been able to find anything online. FYI I just graduated from my Master's if that helps so it's a graduate research role. (L4)

2018 👋 Jan 3, 2019

Do you mind sharing interview insights?

Exzeo India Bs004 Aug 16, 2020

@kai59 what was interview like