Desire to switch career from SDE to ML/Data Science

YOE : 5 Back in university I studied ML and Data Science and wanted to build a career in the same field. But my first organisation gave me a sde project, one thing lead to another and now I have worked in 3 companies as a full stack SDE. I dont enjoy it and dont really have any competitive advantage over others. The thought of going back to ML/ DS keep coming back. But then i dont think theyโ€™ll pay the same for having no industry experience in that field. And itโ€™ll only get worse if i delay it. Any advice?

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Microsoft fulop May 15

Do you know ml/deep learning or just sql/stats/pandas?

Cloudaeon เค–เฅเคถ เคฎเคฟเฅ›เคพเคœ May 15

Yes Sir

Amazon Mittelman May 15

Do what you enjoy more. The money will come.