IndiaMay 22

Does mixed teams USA and India actually work?

I see and hear many big tech companies shifting jobs to India. But that entails a lot of collaboration with existing USA teams + handing off big chunks of the existing codebase and infrastructure to India. The question is then is shifting half of a team's scope to a team in India really feasible? Is collaboration possible without waiting a day for back and forth? Do team members burn our faster because of working after hours to catch meetings? TC: 400k

63 Participants
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Western Digital AnalogEast May 22

It is easier to just do all the work yourself instead of these collaborations 12 hours away to people you hired for cheap. Most successful migration I have seen are entire module off shored and no longer handled by US. They have to cover their own asses instead of keep relying on these overnight hand holding.

IMC life2quant May 22

True. Usually and up waiting weeks for stuff that could have been done in a few days by yourself.

T-Mobile iaskfh May 22

Till they figure out that model doesn't work .

Intuit jhk4 May 22

It only works if you have a great leader that has real experience in India and the usa.

Western Digital AnalogEast May 23

Those guys aren’t cheap and if they perform they ended up immigrating outside of India eventually. Keep hiring for cheap and you will pay twice, once for your outsourced team who can’t deliver and then again for your local team to do it on their own afterward.

DocuSign hsve May 22

TCS has been wishing it worked for decades.

Tata Consultancy Services .xxxxxxxx. May 22


Amazon rIRn05 May 22

I’ve done this semi-successful as a Europe / India team (I’m on Europe side). We had some overlap of working hours with them for communication. I couldn’t see it happening from US-India very sustainably. Indian colleagues complained this to me when I visited. Yeah sure for the first times India team will try to impress you and be online at 3am or whatever. But it’s not sustainable & they shouldn’t be put into that situation. Unless you can work completely asynchronously I don’t think it will work in the long term.

Couchbase nySN78 May 22

It works but the working hour gets distorted, so it's good for companies, where doesn't have alot of work pressure.

Adobe screwit! May 22

Your life becomes hell. You work during normal hours and later at night or early morning, just to sync with India team.

Microsoft hY74hCi May 22

There is literally no good time to meet between those time zones. It’s very bad for collaboration

Amazon nyuN10 May 22

Comes at the cost of people sacrificing their evenings and getting burnt out

Amazon qzjW81 May 23

Works in my team. Or sorta. They work late at night, I have to wake up early. That's the only sacrifice we need to make.

hksM33 OP May 23

Do you share product work or do you mostly have separated work scopes?

Amazon qzjW81 May 23

We share everything. Depends entirely on who has more context and how quickly we want project delivered