Has Anyone Actually Had A Positive Interaction w/ Strangers On LinkedIn?

To clarify, I mean someone actually wanting to connect / network that at least has relevant experience and through that relationship either had a meaningful conversation or had opportunities open down the road. I get boot camp grads / people looking to make a transition into tech that want to jump on a call to talk about what advice I can offer them. I don't know why they even think to ask me of all people but I figure if it happens to me I can only imagine how many similar messages people who work at FAANG / big tech get. Even worse, I had some staff engineer from a large reputable company cold message me with some seemingly innocent conversation that turned into a pitch for his side hustle and whether or not I'd be interested.

12 Participants
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Meta Metamate? Mar 6

About half are recruiters. 1/4 salespeople and 1/4 new grads and people looking for a referral. Recruiters on LinkedIn have reached out and asked me to interview a few times. That's how I got into Meta, and later into Hudson River trading.

Lowe’s smd2001 Mar 6

Had a cute recruiter reach out to me about a contract role. Job was a step down in pay and I had a FT role but we had a good rapport over the phone and video call so I asked her out for drinks. Good times were had. Another reason why its important to have a good photo on your profile.

Brandwatch kurapica Mar 6

Please expand on “good times were had” 🤣

Lowe’s smd2001 Mar 6

As my luck would have it, she just got out of a long relationship so I got to be her rebound guy for a few weeks. Still friends, unfortunately her company never has any roles I am interested in or that pay well.

Google eR2ot7 Mar 6

Recruiters, yes, quite a few. Randos, nope.