Tech IndustryJul 5, 2019

Fb or stripe?

M1 with tc 650k but 50 to 60hrs a week. How is wlb and tc in stripe? Any other companies?

Yahoo gKXi43 Jul 5, 2019

How does that 60 hour week look? 9-9 m-f? 9-7 m-sat? Seems intense

Facebook SxVj18 OP Jul 5, 2019

9-6, 10-12 daily or sometime one day in weekend. Wlb is worse as you’d have so many meetings and 1:1 so haves to do the actual work in home.

Microsoft thebuck Jul 5, 2019

Nice tc. Is that e7 equivalent?

Facebook SxVj18 OP Jul 5, 2019

Not sure how much e7 or m2 will get. Heard it can be very high, but so little data here.

Facebook colonossy Jul 5, 2019


Lyft ccxdr Jul 6, 2019

What's your stripe offer and level at stripe?

Facebook boompowpow Jul 6, 2019

Try 90 to 120 hours a week... 60 is nothing

Slack xSWh53 Jul 7, 2019

I left fb and I didn't regret a single bit. I found there is a life outside :)

Facebook codestruck Jul 7, 2019

Sent DM. Would you be able to help share your experiences?

Stripe hiUV25 Jul 7, 2019

ex-FB M1 here. The TC is lower at Stripe and obviously also less liquid. There’s a lot of work to do here and not a lot of people to do it so it’s easy to have a bad WLB if you aren’t able to manage expectations and prioritize. I’m still new here so take everything I say with a grain of salt but that being said I’m very happy I made the switch. I really like the business and the people around me and the work seems more meaningful.

Stripe hiUV25 Jul 7, 2019

I’d go with Google and Snap - maybe also Lyft if I was trying to optimize for TC and WLB.

Facebook SxVj18 OP Jul 8, 2019

Thanks for the info. How do you compare wlb between fb and stripe? Also how do you compare the culture and team you are leading?

OpenDoor Eofa(7 May 24, 2020

What did you ever up doing? I'm trying to make this call and I've heard a lot of negative things about being a manager at stripe up to this point

Stripe hiUV25 May 24, 2020

What sort of negative things have you heard?

OpenDoor Eofa(7 May 25, 2020

Pulse surveys consistently low, executives don't understand the purpose of middle management leading to thrash, lots of managers burn out in year 1