
Fiance's parents are losers

Fiance has a recession-proof job, doesn't make a lot, maybe a little above average, hard worker, all other excellent qualities. But her parents are complete losers. Recently divorced, their entire savings was their house due to housing boom. Mom is living in a one bedroom shithole basement. Dad is living in assisted living shithole apartment. Both have maybe 100k in savings at age 60-70. Worse is her dad is a dumbass. She needs to control every aspect of his finances. Recently, he was chatting with a scammer on whatsapp (he thought it was his "friend"). Fiance yelled at him a couple days before not to talk to people like that. He ended up transferring 10k to the scammer, claiming he 7x his money in one day. No matter what anyone tells him, he won't listen. I'm thinking I may have to support these bums in the future. Fiance doesn't make enough money, and when her dumbass parents run out, their going to run to her (only child). And I'm probably going to have to fund their retirements. What to do? Fiance says she won't help, but I doubt anyone will let their parents go homeless. I also feel terrible if I had kids, since their grandparents would be huge losers. I don't want them involved at all. TC: 350k NW: 2 million Age: 30

378 Participants
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Snap sliinky May 22

She should dump you

Google coast_god OP May 22

I'll be relieved

Stitch Fix pennystock May 23

You're giving Patrick Bateman vibes here. I'm pretty sure you might have bodies in the basement and she should run.

Amazon RTHoe May 22

Sounds like this goes deeper than money. You clearly don't like them for other reasons with the way you talk about them. You sound like a dick

Google coast_god OP May 22

I don't have any respect for them. They treated their daughter like crap. Selfish, uneducated, degenerates, poor, accomplished nothing in life. Worst qualities of all boomers, and now they make her feel bad to take care of them and visit their bum asses

Pinterest 📌pintasti May 22

You sound like a dick. That said you’re marrying her and her family (and all the baggage that comes with it) is now a part of your life - you sound like you don’t respect her at a certain level. If this isn’t a troll, it sounds like you care more about your money and numbers than the marriage to your wife.

Amazon saylor-btc May 22

Where’s the option of “I should dump myself”

Uber I hate Gus May 22

Get out ASAP

Google coast_god OP May 22

Expand on this Uber, she is a wonderful person, and we have an excellent relationship. I just don't want to become a charity case for bums

Tinder pushPekAss May 22

Sounds like it’s time to do some soul searching. This isn’t even your fiancĂ©e, it’s her parents. Believe it or not, millions of people live without connection to their parents for good reason. Hell, my own parents and their siblings let their parents live in poverty, but my grandparents were abusive and violent. They deserved it.

Google coast_god OP May 22

Her parents were horrible and abusive to her. She doesn't like them. But I'm worried if you're parents are going to go homeless, you aren't going to let them live on the street. That's where I come in, and I don't want to be involved.

Google gHan56 May 22

Why would they become homeless? Won’t they have social security and other benefits to live off of? You should have this conversation with her. If they were abusive to her, she could totally be okay with them living on the streets.

Intel LexyLeonov May 22

fast If any party comes with a baggage into a relationship, the other party ends up carrying it It doesnt take much for a wonderful person to change and a great relationship turns into hell

Google coast_god OP May 22

thats what im thinking

Stryker <hidden> May 22

omg! intel and google - you two are so evil! i think the girl is better off living alone without people like you. In future, if she gets sick, people like you two will dessert her. I wish and pray she gets a really great husband and lives the happiest life for what’s she has/ is gone through.

Microsoft spoiledev May 22

So much vitriol on this app, wow

Amazon GNRX73 May 22

Does she love her parents? You definitely sound like a huge asshole.

Edwards Lifesciences yWMK63 May 22

They’re not going to be around long anyways, who cares

Salesforce i73 fsbsg May 22

People getting a free paycheck live to 100. It's common knowledge 😂

Google coast_god OP May 22

people are living longer nowadays, who knows if they live another 30 years

AMD maje4evr May 22

YTA. Hopefully she dumps you soon, she deserves better, you should like a loser. No matter what those are her parents and they deserve some respect. Your parents are scum of earth if they raised a son like you. Truly terrible people and dumb your parents are. She can dump your ass and find a guy who has morality and ethics and will treat her better, also someone with better TC and NW is easier to find in the valley for girls.

Microsoft __tinyllm May 22

They are not his parents and he has every right to choose the family he is marrying into. Would you be okay marrying into a drug addict or criminal family? It’s the same principle. It’s perfectly okay to enforce your standards and needs before you get married. If you are not okay marrying a poor guy, that’s perfectly okay. Sucks to be poor but you can’t blame the other party for not having morality.