GME 💰✊

I bought GME at $420 because it was going to the moon. Now it’s $148 pre market and obviously I am getting wrecked. Is it time to sell?

Amazon LUX1E Feb 2, 2021


⚡️🤝⚡️ Feb 2, 2021


Google oakey Mar 2, 2021


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Google caffee Feb 2, 2021

If you average down, and it continues downward you’re just losing more money dude

Facebook ▀█▀ Feb 2, 2021

how can you minimize losses with this strategy?

BXNA30 OP Feb 2, 2021

TLDR; hodl or sell?

Amazon FWOn75 Feb 5, 2021

TLDR? People here have no incentive to stop you from losing. It’s your money. Don’t expect you to keep your or money or make more with that attitude. Very few ppl get lucky. Do your research. More than a stupid blind post with a yes or no answer

Toyota JonSnoow Feb 2, 2021

If you didn't sell at $500 why would you sell at $148?

Square SEfW53 Feb 13, 2021

Sunk cost fallacy?

Microsoft horizontal Feb 2, 2021

First went in @200, and then doubled down at @300 now premarket showing 131. Looks like a free fall now :(. I guess should have cashed out at 400. Only myself to blame.

Google FwPW70 Feb 2, 2021

I made the same moves. To be fair, the thesis was plausible and last week looked good until RH pulled the plug on retail. If it was gonna crash, at least I can sleep well knowing I didn’t profit off people worse off than me who YOLO’d their life savings into this.

ExxonMobil -. - Feb 2, 2021

Lol. Bad investment. You're going to take a huge loss on this. People kept buying because of the large growth they were seeing last week. Once it peaked, people are scared of losing money and selling now. Those saying hold are the minority of investers and only wanting to stick it to the short traders.

Facebook oh hi mark Feb 2, 2021

It wasn’t a bad investment. It was literally mins away from squeezing before RH and other brokerages halted trading, shutting down the way to satisfy enormous demand of shares and forcing the price down. Buying in was a logical and smart play, retail just got screwed by the collusion of Wall Street, yet again

Glassdoor wbWk08 Feb 2, 2021

Exactly FB. If you look at the price chart and volume it was easily going to $1000 over the next 2 days

Amazon LUX1E Feb 2, 2021

Didn’t short % plummet to like 50%? Squeeze is over.

Cruise Pow2Playa Feb 2, 2021

Uhhhhh.... don’t do that.

Facebook znKS41 Feb 2, 2021

I don’t feel sorry for stupid gambling like this. Lol

Confluent brSC10 Feb 2, 2021

I am not surprised