Tech IndustryMay 18, 2018

Google product manager Interview

I have an experience of 5+ years and interviewing for Google product manager role. 1. At this level of exp will Google ask you to write code in technical round ? 2. What's the corresponding level in Google for 5+years exp FYI: I am a PM in Microsoft

Microsoft Ttrroo May 18, 2018

Are you a pm here

Microsoft CtmY06 OP May 18, 2018

Yes. Are you from Redmond ? @ttrroo

Microsoft Sct909 May 19, 2018

Level at ms?

Microsoft jeff30 May 19, 2018

62 fyi. It's my changed handle name

Google knzC41 May 19, 2018

I seriously doubt any team in Google will ask you to write code, unless your are applying for a software engineering role.

Microsoft frkC42 May 19, 2018

I've had coding questions on a product manager interview at Google, but it was not the norm, I understand.

Wave eyesaregon May 19, 2018

Code - no. System architecture - yes

Microsoft jeff30 May 19, 2018

What level do they offer for 5years exp in google ?

Google Y5sbV4 Jul 13, 2019

L4 may be.