Is Uber worth joining now?

I'm preparing for Google/Netflix on sites and I made an interview with Uber as a warm up. Got a 5b offer for ~500k. I was planning to try Google L6 but I'm pretty sure from what I read here that they will low ball me at L5, I guess top band is below 450k. From what I've read Netflix would likely be in 450k range for me too. I wasn't really considering uber but now the offer made me think, also because G/N are probably pumped by pandemic while uber got a hit, so maybe next year uber stocks will raise and G/N could go down. Uber wanted me to decide by few weeks but other onsites are second half of January, plus HC I think it will take too long. My main reason to jump ship is Tc + badge of top tier company in my cv. I could use blind help for my decision: - How "valuable" is Uber experience compared to G/N? I plan to lean FIRE soon and I want a well known company experience so I can ask for more money if I freelance since people are gullible with the big tech name (I consider salesforce not good enough for that, maybe I'm wrong) - Is there any chance to get 500k+ offer for G L5 and Netflix? - at Salesforce WLB is great and I have time and energy to work on personal projects. I was targeting N/G because of their decent WLB. Is Uber 5b going to be much more stressful/time consuming? - I have the feeling that uber is filled with arrogant children-bros and work env is toxic (except uber ppl in blind, you are the best). I'm too old to deal with that crap. Any feedback on that? If I get a G/N offer of 450k, for 50k year/gross I would go for G/N, but I'm not sure I will pass since maybe I was luckiy this time. Uber SF, SWE distributed systems, yoe 8, current TC: ~400k depending on crazy stocks For prep, I am following this awesome thread:[AMA]-Google%7C-FB-%7C-Snap-%7C-Airbnb-%7C-Lyft-%7C-Uber-%7C-Quora-%7C-7-Offers-%7C-[AMA]-qrSK4nE5 That guy rocks #uber #google #netflix Adding a poll, comments with real replies to my questions are appreciated EDIT: After some thoughts I decided not to take Uber. I am planning to stay at some big name tech for the badge only few years. TC difference with Uber would be 500k vs 400k so 200k over 2 years time span. I would rather stay 6 more months at salesforce delaying FIRE for the same money with current WLB

[AMA] Google| FB | Snap | Airbnb | Lyft | Uber | Quora | 7+ Offers | [AMA]
[AMA] Google| FB | Snap | Airbnb | Lyft | Uber | Quora | 7+ Offers | [AMA]
212 Participants
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Salesforce forcedrive Dec 14, 2020

Congrats on the great offer ! Yoe ?

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 14, 2020

It's there. I purposely didn't put it as last line so I can see who reads the whole thing :)

Microsoft msft1983 Dec 14, 2020

Uber tech is top notch .. from what I have heard.

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 14, 2020

I think so too. I had a Lyft offer last year and I perceived they were a group of arrogant kids playing around. I also see often a bunch of annoying bugs in Lyft apps while Uber app is usually pretty decent. But I read some horror stories in bro toxic environment at Uber

Uber sVqy65 Dec 14, 2020

For FIRE, def take the 50k

Salesforce XsWi00 Dec 14, 2020

Congrats on the offer. What’s your level at Salesforce ?

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 14, 2020


LinkedIn miu78 Dec 14, 2020

Google will offer you L4 for 8 yoe.

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 14, 2020

Nah I am L5 borderline L6. I already discussed with the recruiter

Salesforce coffeefork Dec 14, 2020

You're my hero. I'm PMTS as well and nowhere near your TC (present and future).

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 15, 2020

It was mostly due to this year bump of stocks

Facebook iyesgjj Dec 14, 2020

Uber is more marketing and less tech. Top talent fleeing after botched ipo. Scale and technology are second grade. But good enough for marketing and going to conferences, even though your oncall life will be miserable because the tech sucks

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 15, 2020

Thanks, this is very useful

Netflix floorslava Dec 14, 2020

Tell Netflix recruiter that you've got an offer from Uber for 500k and they need an answer in a few weeks. I bet Netflix will expedite the interview and if you pass, they'd at least offer you 550k. Nothing to lose if Netflix says no

Google Yzvh86 Dec 14, 2020

500k unlikely for G L5

Bausch Health unit tes Feb 10, 2021

What's the top of band for L5?

Microsoft motivated! Dec 15, 2020

Glad that you found my post useful :) Congrats on your offers. My G L5 offer was 500k+ Also note that 50k diff is only 25k diff post tax

Salesforce LLL1 OP Dec 15, 2020

I think I'm nowhere near your preparation honestly :) I'm probably going to stick with the original plan and see if uber keeps my offer for later negotiation (unlikely) or whatever, I saved 100$ of mock interview

Microsoft motivated! Dec 15, 2020

Atb, lmk how it goes