
Understanding internal workings of DBs or other tools

How do you learn the internal workings of databases (e.g. MySQL ) or other components like Kafka while on the job. I recently started interviewing and people really go all out on quizzing about the Internals of these applications and also frameworks like spring boot. Work ex - 4.5 years. #engineering #software #interviews

Amazon TheFiend Feb 19, 2021


Cigna LMzc51 Feb 19, 2021

My last semester in undergrad I took a final course for database systems and this was the book: Some parts of it are more theory and I wouldnā€™t read all of it but I would google the topics individually and read some parts of the book Breadator Feb 19, 2021

High level DB internal questions are common. But what Spring questions did they ask you? Never hear anyone asking about framework internals.

Grab abeseedee OP Feb 19, 2021

Not so much about internals. It was more about the annotations that are used. Breadator Feb 20, 2021

Ah gotcha, I feel like better places donā€™t ask questions like that. Itā€™s a bit of a red flag imo.

eBay beavermac Feb 19, 2021

the best resource I have come across is CMU course on database and advanced database by Andy Pavlo.. I keep going back there because I like the subject but itā€™s hard to retain all the info.. you can still learn high level concepts and learn things about how indexes work, why order of keys in composite key matter and things like that.. unless you are a DB researcher you are never gonna retain anything for long term..