Has the quality of your candidate pool/recent hires gone up or down?

As per title, do you see an increasing or decreasing trend in the quality of your candidate pool during the hiring process over the past few years?

42 Participants
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Microsoft pmrT42 May 22

Up in my division over the years for the most part.

Google Bardman May 22

Org? What part of Azure?

Microsoft pmrT42 May 23


Asurion wlzd1111 May 22

The level of candidates has gone down for the most part due to a backlog of graduates who were in it for the coast lifestyle and $$ paychecks. The average new hire, however, is better than previous years or because for every 5 bad graduates/lesser YoE, thereโ€™s at least 1-2 decent ones now looking for a job willing to take non FAANG

Qualcomm Vf6kha May 23

Worse... gen z... what do you expect

Pure Storage nkotbsb May 23

I just applied to a bunch of jobs so the quality should be going up