
Have people clued in that Covid was an extreme over-reaction yet? 95% of deaths had 4+ co-morbidities.

fezcasdasd OP May 23

The data collection was so bad and handled so poorly on Covid that for the first 2 years of the pandemic the avg life expectancy of people who caught Covid was 78. That's 2 years above 76 which is the avg life expectancy of a human.

Salesforce i73 fsbsg May 23

Can you share your sources for this. I remember Alpha/Delta being devastating. Italy's death rate reached 15% early on. I remember morgues overflowing. I remember a million Americans dying.

Snap sliinky May 23

Half of us have reached this conclusion. Half think it was totally appropriate

fezcasdasd OP May 23

Damn. What does that say about the half that thought it was totally appropriate to remove the rights of the other half, and try to arrest them for questioning them? Is their egos so out of wack?

PayPal cayde May 23

Welcome to democracy bro

Google Prbw07 May 23

"You're kind of fat or old so it's okay that you died" is a totally reasonable take.

fezcasdasd OP May 23

thats fascinating how you got that from my post but keep shielding yourself in false virtue !

Salesforce QGje37 May 23

try: youre old and fat so we'll take special care of you, but everyone else can go on with their lives and not upend their education or tank the economy

Hubspot hubblebutt May 23

Direct deaths wasn’t the only issue. One of the largest issues was how transmissible it was, causing hospitals to be overwhelmed and unable to treat people for anything else. I would be surprised if there wasn’t a significant number of indirect deaths from people unable to undergo surgeries or receive medical attention because resources were exhausted. I have two family members whose quality of life were severely impacted because they were unable to receive surgeries during this time period.

fezcasdasd OP May 23

most hospitals were empty for a long time after the surge. If we didnt panic and tell everyone to fear for their lives, maybe the hospitals wouldnt be full of dancing tiktok nurses

Hubspot hubblebutt May 23

Do you have data to back up that claim or only feelings?

Pure Storage nkotbsb May 23

Covid is a religion, imbuing meaning to the paltry lives of nihilistic “last men”

Microsoft ħ May 23

The real plague is sugar

Amazon HRPufnstu May 23

Wait are we doing this again? You must be bored and have a sad life.

fezcasdasd OP May 23

you must be one of those people who think you can arrest anyone who questions you?

Amazon HRPufnstu May 23

I wish Blind would not allow people to post if they don't have a real company name. I am tired of these 'New' trolls who just make this platform crap.

Credit Karma ird61064 May 23

People have moved on and aren’t interested in rehashing something from 2019.

fezcasdasd OP May 23

nah bro we're pretty f-ing far from moving on LOL. We want justice

fezcasdasd OP May 23

these kids were given the key to the kingdom and then they went full fascist trying to arrest and censor anyone who questions them, then theyre like "just move on bro" NAHHH

Walmart sPCC11 May 23

Not only that but it'll likely take another decade before the vaccine harm is fully accepted

Amazon HRPufnstu May 23

What vaccine harm? I am tired of this nonsense. I have read every study and read every per review. What are you talking about about outside of what is considered normal for any vaccine?

fezcasdasd OP May 23

amazon thinks hes read every study and every review hahahahaha get off your podium.

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fezcasdasd OP May 23

yes for sure. 100%. Shoving people into poverty and economic disparity also increses deaths and hospitalizations. The majority of people who didnt see this or understand this was not their fault, they have never been in a situation like this where their gov lied so hard

Apple 4MICA May 23

Yes, unfamiliarity with treating Covid 19 was one issue that made it especially bad at the beginning. The weird thing is that you think that's an argument in favor of its being insignificant. See, whether you die from Covid 19 because doctors don't know how to treat it or because it's inherently virulent doesn't really matter; you're still dead. Yeah, NOW, 4 years later, it's much better understood and better treatments are available, so it's much less dangerous than it was. And that's why we no longer have emergency protocols for it. But in 2020, no one knew anything about it. Does that clear things up for you?