
How does getting fired at Amazon work?

I am feeling pretty worried about getting fired/laid off/pip'd at Amazon. I would like to better understand what to expect in terms of a process. Like is it common for people to be let go overnight, or is it usually more like an announcement that in 2 months you will be let go of. If possible, I would appreciate people describing their experience of being let go of.

Google tutA10 Jan 30, 2023

Depends on your country and tbh these days all bets are off, company will do what need to to save money

Google tutA10 Jan 30, 2023

Best thing is to just trust that if you lose the job, you'll find another before it's a financial issue

Amazon cqQh23 Jan 30, 2023

If you're not thinking about other ways to make money during these times, then you're blind and stupid. You deserve financial pain, as it will teach you a lesson about these cycles.

Microsoft ciRK31 Jan 30, 2023

No severance you just get dropped like a fly

Amazon Banana007🍌 Jan 30, 2023

It depends on orgs, team, and your manager. The process is something like this: Your manager will give you hints that you’re not meeting the performance bar and will give you some advice.Then they will give you few days to act on their advice. If they still notice gaps, they will formally put you in focus. During focus, first, you cannot change teams. Second, you have to complete a few tasks (3-4 usually) within 4-6 weeks. These tasks are related to your work but with aggressive timelines. If you’re able to complete them and your manager is satisfied, you’re out of focus and can change team. However, if you do not, then you get two options: Option 1: Take severance and leave immediately (you get to decide within 4-5 days) or option 2: go into pip (again 2-3 week process) and complete the same tasks that were given to you during focus. If you clear the pip, you’re safe and can continue at amazon and change teams. But if you do not clear the pip, then you’re fired with less severance than you were offered before. Usually, if the manager likes you and thinks you have potential, they give achievable tasks. But, if they don’t like you and want you out, they’ll make sure tasks are impossible. So, all in all, it’s an exhausting process, you have to really work hard and smart to achieve your goals. If you think you can achieve them during focus itself, great. If you think they are impossible, use your focus time to apply to other companies and give interviews. You can buy more time during focus as well as pip by going on FMLA if you want. So, in short, it’s not quick and done. It can take 2-3 months to play out. Good luck

Irjv63 OP Jan 30, 2023

Thank you for the detailed reply, I really appreciate it

Amazon mJcG65 Jan 30, 2023

All these people commenting that clearly don’t understand how it works. The comment above is very accurate. They certainly won’t drop you overnight for performance. The Focus/PIP process takes care of that. We also provided severance to people who were laid off. In theory you could be terminated overnight for doing something illegal or committing fraud, but it’s rare.

Irjv63 OP Jan 30, 2023

I appreciate the input. I'm used to seeing people respond in toxic and unhelpful ways on this app. I'm grateful for the replies that give me a more clear picture of what I might expect if things turn out badly. Thank you for your comment.

Amazon mJcG65 Jan 30, 2023

Why are you asking? Have you applied for a position?