
How is my TC?

I live in a LCOL area, work fully remote. I have 3 years tech experience, other stem experience before that of 3 years. SWE. TC: $250k mostly based and bonus. ~$30k equity/yr

42 Participants
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LinkedIn checkaaaaa May 26

Pretty good

Dell SimplJack OP May 26

Reading blind has me thinking Iā€™m getting screwed over with my TC

AMISEQ A1ļøāƒ£ May 26

You doing great.

Dell SimplJack OP May 26

Thanks, yeah, I may just get off this app. Itā€™s like every post is people complaining of being underpaid and theyā€™re making like $500k TC.

Confluent upVR86 May 26

Dell pays that much?

Dell SimplJack OP May 26

Absolutely not. Iā€™m no longer at Dell, I was there for like less than a year. Been 2 years in current. You can look online, Dell pay is horrendous.

Amazon PipmeJassy May 26

Where do you actually work though ? Please refer me

Microsoft ħ May 26

What are your monthly expenses?