IndiaMay 25

Indians, were you sexually abused/ molested as a child? Collecting for stats, so please dont miss represent.

Pretty much the question, i hear from many friends that they were affected as a child and many think that it is a very rare scenario as the numbers suggest so please answer. Update : The reason i had added this poll is that many think it happened only with them and experience trauma for being vulnerable, knowing that this is more than what the reports say help in overcoming that helpless situation and also in protecting our children.

234 Participants
Select only one answer
Salesforce .^.^. May 25

I am a survivor

Amazon ifck! OP May 25

Stay strong and know that many are in the same boat not knowingly.

Amazon fgillgffh May 25

Is giving consent even though I don't want to give consent called abuse?

Amazon ifck! OP May 25

Yes it is.

Apple Xist May 25

By my male household help. And I am a boy

Microsoft wherelife May 25

Sorry Apple, forgive that man and let it go. You are good now.

Mailchimp holdmy May 25

Wow, is this for real? The number of yeses is so high

Oracle kukuduku May 25

It's trolling

JPMorgan Chase phygvd May 25

Boy- No. What did boys who got molested experience?

Amazon rhoN50 May 25

Wow this is really sad :(

Amazon coolchik May 25

This post is relevant for everyone, not just Indians

Microsoft 🪃 🪃bbrg May 25

Girl, yes. When I was in 1st grade.

Udemy sqrtEddit May 25

Hugs You didn’t deserve that hurt

Microsoft wherelife May 25

Oh this world is so wicked. May your emotions be healed. Forgive and forget. You are so beautiful woman now. Hug 🫂 you as big brother , ops that is also not safe in today’s world

cUhL52 May 25

This is blind it won’t be accurate

Meta quintain May 25

Girl-yes! From 8 to 21

Amazon coolchik May 25

Why did you allow it even beyond teen years ?

TikTok rrlebvx May 25

Did you just use the world allowed to refer to someone being abused and sexually molested?