Is Tesla model Y still a prestigious car?

People used to consider Tesla owners as upper middle class or rich , especially Model Y X S. When you spend $ 50k on a car, you must be among top 10% in America interns of income or nw

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Microsoft ufegzbf May 24

It never was

ex-Microsoft ddnc OP May 24

Maybe never only on blind. Maybe you didn’t remember the time when someone bought a new Tesla, others reactions were so much different

ServiceNow f72An May 24

At some point they were cool and a flex, but somehow all that respect has been run into the ground over the past few years. Now they're just cars, and they're everywhere. Not unique, not cool, just the same as most other 40-50k cars.

Netflix Kajfudnahw May 24

It literally never was, maybe X, never Y

Cruise Centrifuge May 24

Who cares man. Cars are a depreciating asset, just buy whatever car that works for you.

gotothegym May 24

S would have been for the rich in it's early years. It has only been downhill for a while now. The quality doesn't help the reputation either.

Tesla chargememe May 24

I don’t think anything besides a maybe Porshe or Lambo is a flex anymore. New Tesla Roadster will be one

Salesforce Zaphod B May 24


Zulily nwly-fondr May 24

Oh no way… it’s basically the Maruti 800 of the future!

Credit Karma ird61064 May 24

Maybe for the Roadster, not for the other models. Tesla is the new Prius.

Cisco lUNH77 May 24

Dude don't insult Prius It is in its own league Tesla's are like babies now a days most of then regret having one, most

NVIDIA newnm May 24

No one considers Tesla owners rich, it's like owning a civic.

Microsoft Dy57fh May 25

Nobody cares or thinks about you or what car you drive.

Uber hfHH16 May 25

That’s 3 people who voted yes must be 🤡

Microsoft Dy57fh May 25

It’s just a car