Tech IndustryJul 11, 2018

Is it worth moving to a new job in just a few months?

I've been working in my current company for about 5 months. I can't say I don't like working here, but I also cant say that this is the best place to work and I love my job. A company I'm interested in and applied to some time ago recently contacted me about an opportunity, and somehow I've found myself in their pipeline. The company is great and their culture seems aeons better than my current company. This is my first full-time role as a Software Engineer, before this I've done some part-time / side gigs. If I'm not enjoying it, is it better to just start applying and interviewing / going through the company interview process right now? Or would the lack of experience and lack of time in this current company make a bad impression on my resume?

Nielsen pm_me_tc Jul 11, 2018

Leaving is fine but you'll likely have to commit at least a year to the new company no matter how much you like or dislike it so as to not show a pattern of hopping so quickly on your CV.

Uber âêîôûš Jul 11, 2018

I would suggest don’t make lateral moves across companies unless you’ve lost interest in your work and/or the people around you can no longer up level you in the skills you’re looking to hone.

Twitter hushhushps Jul 11, 2018

Seems like you don’t have an offer from the other company. You should interview with other companies, no harm in that. It may take 6 months to find something you like. Move over if you find something better and don’t let it become a pattern.

Oracle hmatata Jul 11, 2018

Except for one, I have always felt like leaving a new job within a couple of months. Get out asap, but try to get a better feel in interviews. If asking questions about the company gets you rejected, it is a good thing. More often than not, the vibe at interviews is quite accurate! Choose a great boss! I got advice against hopping too quickly. It actually slowed down my career. Don't be too conservative. Deserving future employers will (should) understand. Don't worry about future before securing your present.

OpenDoor mynna Jul 11, 2018

Yep. And the Bay Area doesn’t care as much. Plenty of people hopping every year. You’ll be told not to hop too much, and you will see some candidates get rejected from your company for being too frequent hoppers, but generally I see this when someone has a string of like 5 sub 1-2 year gigs.