Is this a reasonable ML interview question

Is it a reasonable machine learning interview question to implement self-attention from scratch? Time limit: 20 minutes. Position: ML Engineer

25 Participants
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Qualtrics qAcG68 May 24

Very easy Initialize 3 matrices k,q,v with random values Create the input matrix and multiply and add softmax the final shape should match the first 5 minutes max

Walt Disney vxmm32 OP May 24

suppose you can't use a library like numpy. Still easy in 20 minutes?

Qualtrics qAcG68 May 24

Easier if you use list of lists

Unity mazeltovv May 24

I had this question at two different interviews. It’s super popular today and very reasonable. If you can’t answer it, then you probably are not the type of candidate they are looking for. Maybe you want to target MLops roles

Whatnot postmod46 May 24

Do you remember the formula? Coding is not a problem.

Walt Disney vxmm32 OP May 24

Do you mind sharing for what roles you had this question in two different interviews? Also: when you say that it is "very reasonable" could I trouble you to explain why you think so? I can't imagine this kind of question being reasonable or relevant to actual work that one would be doing on the job, unless it was an academic organization, or a heavily-research focused org where you are developing models completely from scratch.

Whatnot postmod46 May 24

Likely a popular question since you are never going to do it on the job

Walt Disney vxmm32 OP May 24

You will never, ever do this in an industry setting. I agree.

Microsoft mlm_man May 25

Hi can i get a referral op?

Walt Disney vxmm32 OP May 25

I would love to, and I know this is confusing bc of my handle on Blind...I used to work for Disney. I work for Amazon now, and on a whim I'm interviewing there (Disney) maybe to return if things work out and the offer is good.